
Presidential Reappointment Position Description & Candidate Profile

Note: The position description and candidate profile are the same as those used during the 2019/2020 presidential search process.

Candidate Profile – President and Vice-Chancellor 

Leadership Experience: Successful senior leadership and administrative experience gained in a research-intensive university. Has a thorough knowledge of university governance and the wide range of academic and administrative units that comprise a successful university. Candidates could bring executive experience from the public or not-for-profit sectors provided that they can demonstrate a depth of experience in the post-secondary sector. 

Academic and Research Excellence: An exemplary record as an educator and researcher. Appointable as a full professor at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. 

Strategic Vision: Capacity to envision, articulate and champion what ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV can contribute and become in our rapidly changing global higher education environment. A record of success in developing and implementing strategy for a complex organization. Experience with strategic planning. An innovative thinker in respect to the university’s place in society and the world. 

Leadership Style: A respectful, positive, compassionate, inclusive, and engaging leadership style. Highly effective team leader and team member, with the demonstrated ability to build and work in a collegial and collaborative environment. 

Relationship Builder: Approachable, engaging, and sincere. Has a track record of successfully building and maintaining highly productive relationships with a broad range of people including students, faculty, staff, board members, alumni, donors, officials at all levels of government, representatives of the business community and other sectors, and members of the community at large. 

Research Champion: A passion for the important role that university research plays in society. Has an appreciation for the full range of scholarly activity and a thorough grasp of opportunities and challenges facing researchers in Canada and beyond. Understanding of the relationship between research and graduate and post-doctoral training in the Canadian university context. Proven ability to advocate for the research needs of the entire University community. The energy, ability, and commitment to build partnerships outside of the University. 

Student Champion: Has demonstrated a commitment to a culture where excellence in teaching and the learning environment is valued and rewarded. Enjoys interacting with students and developing strategies to engage students. A real affinity for the elements that contribute to a rewarding campus life. Cares about students and understands the factors that affect students’ experience, learning and achievement. 

Inter-cultural Understanding and Diversity: A deep understanding of and commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion and a demonstrated track record of supporting and advancing equity, diversity and inclusion principles and objectives within a complex organization. 

Decolonization, Indigenization and Reconciliation: Through demonstrated past achievement and commitment, will be an advocate for Indigenous faculty, staff and students, and will actively pursue the goals of decolonization, indigenization and reconciliation. 

Political Acuity: Has the ability and experience to be an effective partner and advocate with municipal, provincial and federal government officials to advance common interests. Brings the necessary diplomacy and persuasive abilities to be successful in a complex political environment. 

Management Acumen: Able to effectively lead and oversee a broad range of academic, financial, human resource and other functions across a complex, multi-campus organization. Demonstrated capacity to set goals, delegate effectively, problem-solve and hold others accountable for their performance. 

Fundraising: Has the capacity for, experience with and an interest in fundraising. Has the required skill to attract philanthropic, industrial, and other partnership funds by building strong external linkages. Is committed to, and enthusiastic about, fundraising on behalf of the University. 

Communication and Interpersonal Skills: Positive, clear and articulate communicator. Able to listen actively and communicate effectively with a wide array of individuals and groups. Builds trust through an open, respectful and collegial approach. Effective at communicating to the general public through the various forms of media and public events. Brings the energy and time management skills required to be successful in this demanding position. 

Highly Personable: A genuine people-person who will be interested in and will reach out to individuals at all levels. Has high emotional intelligence, exhibits humility, and engages naturally with others. Culturally sensitive and internationally aware.