Presidential Search Committee
July 27, 1995
Approved by Board September 18, 1995 Approved by Senate
Revision Date
Appendix-Approved by Board May 28, 2004 and by Senate June 7, 2004
Policy Amended and Approved by Board September 25, 2007 and Senate October 15, 2007
B 10.06
Revision No.
Members | Conditions |
Chair of the Board of Governors (or designate) shall chair the Committee | |
2 Members, Board of Governors | Appointed by Chair normally from OIC members |
Vice-President or Associate VP | Selected by the Vice-Presidents |
3 Faculty Members | Elected by and from the faculty members jointly with no more than one to be elected from any Faculty. |
2 Deans | Selected by the Deans after faculty members have been elected |
1 Employee | Elected by and from continuing employees who are not faculty members |
2 Students | Elected by and from the student body |
President of Faculty Association or designate | |
President of Undergraduate Student Society or designate | |
President of Graduate Student Society or designate | |
President of Alumni Association or designate |
Terms of Reference
1. The Search Committee is advisory to the Board of Governors, and shall:
1.1 Receive from the Board of Governors a statement of the leadership qualities sought in the new President, a date by which the Board expects to receive recommendations from the Committee and any preference as to the number of candidates to be submitted to the Board.
1.2 Carry out a review of institutional needs and objectives, consult with the University community on the qualities sought in the new President, and prepare a position profile for use in the search.
1.3 Issue a call for nominations and applications, and search out suitable candidates for the position, including encouraging applications from the equity-designated groups.
1.4 Keep a record of the search process.
1.5 Draw up a short-list and interview the top-ranked candidates.
1.6 Establish such further operational procedures as are required to ensure that the most suitable candidate(s) are being recommended.
1.7 Bring to the Board within the requisite time, one recommendation or ranked recommendations for appointment to the position which have the clear support of the Committee.
2. Committee procedures
2.1 The search procedure shall usually begin no later than 15 months prior to the expected date of the appointment.
2.2 The Registrar and Senior Director, Student Enrollment shall be responsible for conducting elections for Search Committees.
2.3 A quorum shall be 60% of the membership of the Committee.
2.4 The Committee shall elect a Vice-Chair from among its members by the time the position profile has been completed.
2.5 The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of B.C. and the University’s Confidentiality Policy () apply to all aspects of this search. All members of the Search Committee are expected to maintain the information discussed by the Committee in confidence.
2.6 If a member of the Search Committee becomes a candidate for the position being searched, s/he shall resign from the Committee.
2.7 In the event of a real or perceived conflict of interest that could compromise or be seen to compromise the member's judgment of the candidate(s), s/he shall disclose the nature of that conflict to the Chair of the Committee in sufficient detail to enable the Chair to determine whether the member should resign from the Committee.
2.8 If a member of a Search Committee leaves the Committee prior to the formation of the short-list, the Chair may appoint a replacement from the same constituency. Thereafter no substitutions may be made.
2.9 Committee members are expected to participate fully in the interview process. In the case of absences, the Chair may rule that a member is ineligible to participate further in the work of the committee.
Appendix - Review of the President Prior to Re-Appointment
1. Re-Appointment Review Process
1.1 The Board of Governors shall first decide, following appropriate consultation, whether the Board is willing to consider re-appointment of the incumbent, and shall then determine whether the incumbent is willing to consider re-appointment.
1.2 If the response to either of these questions is in the negative, the search process will begin without delay with the establishment of a Presidential Search Committee. If the response to both questions is positive, a Re-appointment Review Committee will be established to review the incumbent's performance with the membership listed in 2. below. The review will include meeting with the incumbent and broad consultation across the University, with the Vice-Presidents and Deans, and with appropriate external constituents. If the committee is satisfied with the results of the review, it may recommend reappointment.
1.3 The review shall be undertaken expeditiously, normally within a two-month period. Care must be taken during this period to ensure that the incumbent's ability to carry out his/her responsibilities is not undermined by the process.
1.4 The quorum for the Review Committee will be 50% + 1. The decision of the committee shall be made by a simple majority vote, and will be forwarded to the Board of Governors.
2. Re-Appointment Review Committee Membership
Members | Conditions |
Chair of the Board of Governors (or designate) | Chair |
2 Members, Board of Governors | Appointed by the Chair, normally from OIC members |
1 Student Member of the Board | Appointed by the Chair |
1 Vice-President or Associate Vice-President | Selected by the Vice-Presidents and Associate Vice-Presidents |
2 Faculty Senators | Elected by and from Senate |
1 Dean | Selected by the Deans after faculty members have been elected |
1 Employee | Selected by the Employees' Council |
1 Student Member | Elected by Senate (a graduate student, if the Student Board member is an undergraduate, and vice versa if the Student Board member is a graduate student) |
If the Re-Appointment Review Committee's deliberations do not result in the re-appointment of the President, a Presidential Search Committee would be formed as provided in the Policy .