

James Baker

May 10, 2021

James Baker received his MA in Archaeology in 1973, and is currently the Mayor of Lake Country, BC – a position he has held since 2005.

James taught anthropology and archaeology at Langara Community College from 1970 to 1974 and at Okanagan College and Okanagan University College from 1974 until he retired in 2000. Upon retirement, he was named Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at OUC. In 2007 UBCO named James Associate Professor Emeritus of Anthropology.

Some of his achievements in office include the establishment of the Carr’s Landing Fire Department; creation of the Coral Beach recreation area; the building of the Horseshoe Pitch and Clubhouse; the acquisition of the Okanagan Centre School and the founding of the Lake Country Heritage and Cultural Society; the acquisition of the Oyama Post Office; worked with the Oceola Arts Council and the Memorial Hall Board to develop the community school concept. James is a member of the Friends of Fintry Heritage Society and the Oceola Fish and Game Club.
