
Theses and Dissertations


Craig, Caitlin 2024 MA Micromorphology and Site Formation Processes at FxJj20 AB, Northern Kenya: Insights on 1.5 Ma evidence of fire use
Greening, Spencer 2024 PhD a Alalgyag戔a Laxyuuba Gitk戔aata (The Territory of the Gitgaat Speaks): Place-Based Indigenous Knowledge in the Heart of Gitgaat Territory
Martinoia, Valentina 2024 PhD High-resolution evidence for dietary changes during the Late Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic in Europe
Gizikoff, Nolan 2024 MA HRM Evaluating the Efficiency of Archaeological Site Mitigation Prior to Mining Impacts at the Highland Valley Copper Mine, South Central British Columba
Herrera, Jennifer 2023 MA HRM   
Meyers, Julia 2023 PhD
Spearing, Whitney 2023 MA HRM
Hogan, Jen 2023 MA
Kors, Carmen 2023 MA
Clark, Lauren 2023 MA
Amedekey, Bright 2022 MA HRM Adaptation, Traditions, and Conservation: The Case of Elmina Old Town, Ghana
Van Barneveld, Simon 2022 MA 
Lebourdais, Leslie 2022 MA HRM
Brooke, Eva 2022 MA HRM
Wong, Megan 2022 PhD
Belanger, Simon 2022 MA HRM
Derian, Alex 2022 MA
Darcus, Laurie 2022 PhD
Owens, Camille 2022 MA HRM
Meloche, Chelsea 2022 PhD
Vanier, Sage 2022 MA
Harding, Jon 2021 MA
Royle, Tom 2021 PhD
Hathway, Ailidh 2021 MA
Homewood, Walter  2021 MA
Smith, Sarah 2021 MA HRM
Ruffett, Amalea  2021 MA 
Rondeau, Rob 2021 MA
Tarle, Lia 2020 PhD
Latimer, Andrew 2020 MA
Matheson, Teresa 2020 MA
Payne, Neal 2020 MA 
Rabinow, Sophie 2020 MA
Wiederick, Brock 2020 MA    
Spake, Laure 2020 PhD
Testani, Alessandria  2020 MA 
O'Neill, Derek  2020 MA HRM
Meier, Christian  2020 MA HRM
Fontaine, Joshua 2020 MA
Marinho, Luisa  2020 PhD
Taylor, Breanne  2020 MA HRM
Wiebe, Matthea  2020 MA 


McKillop, Vanessa  2019 MA HRM
MacMillan, Jodie  2019 MA HRM
Pitul, Michael  2019 MA HRM
Stefanyshen, Earl  2019 MA HRM
O'Neill, Casey  2019 MA HRM
Settle, Kathleen 2019 MA HRM
Johnson, Meghan 2019 MA HRM
Allan, Alec 2019 MA
McCauley, Brea 2019 MA
Koopowitz Candice 2019 MA
Kobes, Tyrel  2019 MA HRM River Through the Dry Prairie: Heritage Resource Management and the Archaeology of the Southeastern QuAppelle River Valley in Saskatchewan
Nahal, Harman  2019 MA
Tinkcom, Marina 2019 MA HRM
Hogg, Erin 2019 PhD
Taddesse, Habtamu 2019 PhD
Beaulieu, Sarah 2019 PhD
Pollock (McLeod), Jaclyn  2018 MA
Pollock, Cameron  2018 MA In Pursuit of the Quarry: Exploring Lithic Exchange on the Interior Plateau of British Columbia
Walder-Hoge, Zoe  2018 MA Adapting to Environmental Change: An ethnoarchaeological approach to traditional farming knowledge in Northern Ethiopia
Vanderwel, Megan 2018 MA HRM A Critical Evaluation of Winter Archaeological Impact Assessments for Proposed Oil and Gas Developments in Northeast British Columbia
Fisk, Shera 2018 MA The Differential Degradation of  Immature and Mature Bone in Diverse Environments: A Controlled Experiment Using Pig (Sus scrofa) Skeletal Remains
Gooderham, Ellie 2018 MA Growth as an Indicator of Social and Economic Transition from the Islamic to Late Medieval Christian Period in Portugal: A Comparative Study of Linear and Appositional Growth
Springer, Chris 2018 PhD Territory, Tenure, and Territoriality Among the Ancestral Coast Salish of SW British Columbia and NW Washington State
Freeland, Travis 2018 PhD Monumental Architecture and Landscape History of the Tongan Classical Chiefdom
Henry, Shea 2018 PhD Late pre-contact era Ta穩no subsistence economy and diet: zooarchaeological perspectives from Maima
Pendleton, Roxanne 2017 MA Microfauna at TseKwa: Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction in the Peace River Region, Northeast British Columbia
Simons, Eric 2017 MA Archaeologists and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge in British Columbia
Crowell, Travis 2017 MA Settlement and Sea-Level Histories: Refining Holocene Sea-Levels in Kanish and Waiatt Bays, Quadra Island
Lison, Sarah 2017 MA The Sacred and the Digital: Managing Heritage in an Open Access World
Toniello, Ginevra 2017 MA 11,000 Years of Human-Clam Relationships on Quadra Island, Salish Sea, British Columbia
Harris, Megan 2017 MA From English Camp to Bible Camp to Spirit Camp:  Ground Stone Disk Beads in the Salish Sea
Edmunds, Hannah 2017 MA More than Food: An exploration of the social significance of faunal remains at stames (DkRs 6)
Lewis-Botica, Jennifer 2017 PhD Revaluing looted archaeological materials at Fort Apache and Theodore Roosevelt School National Historic Landmark, Arizona  
Astudillo, Fernando 2017 PhD Environmental Historical Archaeology of the Gal獺pagos Islands:  Paleoethnobotany of Hacienda El Progreso, 1870-1904
Balanzategui, Daniela 2017 PhD Archaeology of Afro-Ecuadorians in La Concepci籀n, Ancestral Territory of the Chota-Mira Valley, Carchi, Ecuador
Armstrong, Chelsey 2017 PhD Historical Ecology of Cultural Landscapes in the Pacific Northwest
Carleton, Chris 2017 PhD Archaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Time-series Analysis
Peterson, Elizabeth 2017 PhD Development of craft specialization during the Pre-Aksumite period in Eastern Tigrai, Ethiopia:  A study of hide-working traditions
Brown, Kelly 2016 MA Developing Minimally Impactful Protocols for DNA Analysis of Museum Collection Bone Artifacts
Mathews, Bethany 2016 MA A Spatial Analysis of Pleistocene-Holocene Transition Sites in the Southern Columbia Plateau and Northern Great Basin of North America
Thibodeau, Megan 2016 MA Identifying 1 Mya Fire in Wonderwerk Cave with Micromorphology and Fourier - Transform Infrared Microspectroscopy
Spake, Laure  2016 MA Selecting an appropriate reference sample for juvenile age estimation methods in a forensic context
Kasstan, Steven 2016 PhD Caribou is Life:  An Ethnoarchaeology of Ethen-eld癡li Denes鑒in矇 Respect for Caribou
Zhang, Hua Grace 2016 PhD Human Osteoarchaeological Research on Stress and Lifeways of Bronze Age populations in North China
Dembo, Mana 2016 PhD Exploring morphological phylogenetics of fossil hominins
McKerracher, Luseadra 2016 PhD The Evolutionary Ecology of Human Lactation: Correlates of Duration of Breastfeeding
LeBlanc, Katie 2016 PhD A Structural Approach to Lapita Design Analysis: Investigation of the Eastern Lapita Province
Jones, Jennifer 2016 PhD Historical Archaeology of Tourism at Port Arthur, Tasmania, 1885-1960
Simon, Lisa 2015 MA Testing Gerasimov's Two-Tangent Nose Projection Method in Craniofacial Approximations of Children
Roth, Melissa 2015 MA Using Ancient mtDNA to Track Temporal Genetic Changes of Pacific Herring Populations in the Central Coast of British Columbia
Hardy, Evan 2015 MA The Bioarchaeological Examination of the Skeletal Remains of Warring States Period Tuchengzi, Inner Mongolia
Walker, Alexa  2015 MA Ancient Human DNA Research in North America and Abroad: Challenges and Opportunities
Halseth, Cara  2015 MA Reconstructing Northern Fur Seal Population Diversity through Ancient and Modern DNA Data
Beaulieu, Sarah 2015 MA Remembering the Forgotten - Archaeology at the Morrissey WWI Internment Camp
Dickie, Ryan 2015 MA Identifying Microblade Function at EeRb-140 and EeRb-144, Kamloops, British Columbia
Lynch, Michelle 2015 MA Heiltsuk Adoption of Euro-American Material Culture at Old Bella Bella, British Columbia, 1833-1899
Huard, Kody  2015 MA Expedient Shell Scrapers in the Kingdom of Tonga
Scott, Audrey 2015 PhD The Influence of Surgical Stress on Human Hair Fiber Dimensions
Carr-Locke, Sarah 2015 PhD Indigenous Heritage and Public Museums: Exploring Collaboration and Exhibition in Canada and the United States
Elliott, Marina 2015 PhD Estimating Body Mass In Biological Anthropology: An Evaluation Using Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography
Darcus, Laurie 2014 MA The Cultural Context of Grinding in Northern Ethiopia - An Ethnoarchaeological Approach
Gustavsen, Jenifer 2014 MA Developing a method for assessing the skillfulness and practice time for Upper Palaeolithic artists
Aloua, Ruth 2014 MA Reauthorizing Knaka '礎"iwi Heritage Discourse at Kaloko-Honok藩hau National Historical Park, Hawai'i
Kendall, Heather 2014 MA A Rocky Road: Chert Characterization at ST 109, Keatley Creek Site, British Columbia
Royle, Thomas 2014 MA There's More than One Fish in the Sea:  Investigating the Composition of Middle and Late Period Fisheries at EeRb-144, British Columbia, Canada through Ancient DNA Analysis
Ohman, Alexis 2014 MA Saltfish vs. Parrotfish:  The Role of Fish and Mollusks in English Colonial Foodways at Betty's Hope Plantation, Antiqua, West Indies
Zimmerman, Kasia 2014 MA Changing Ways, Constant Companions: The Ancient DNA and Local Knowledge of Tla'amin Dogs
Goode, Annique 2014 MA Featuring Wetlands: Feature Analysis of Wetland Resource Use at DhRp-52, British Columbia
Hogg, Erin 2014 MA Community Engagement in British Columbia Archaeology
Connaughton, Sean 2014 PhD Emergence and Development of Ancestral Polynesian Society of Tonga
Schepers, Kathleen 2013 MA Do Orangutans Really Laugh?  An Investigation into the Existence of Tickle-Induced Play Vocalization among Pongo Pygmaeus at the Orangutan Care Centre and Quarantine in Kalimantan, Indonesia
Velliky, Elizabeth 2013 MA pXRF and Place Names: Painting a Narrative on Squamish Ochre Sources and Rock Art
Oas, Sarah 2013 MA Revisiting Bosumpra:  Examining 10,000 years of Plant Use at the Bosumpra rockshelter, Ghana
Sellers, Ian 2013 MA A Historic Archaeology of Nuu-chah-nulth Barkley Sound: Material and Economic Change through the Nineteenth Century
Freeland, Travis 2013 MA Beyond Sourcing:  Portable x-ray fluorescence (pXRF) and archaeological ceramics
Williams, Louise 2013 MA Revisiting the Locarno Beach Site (DhRt-6), Vancouver, BC
Hickok, Andrew  2013 PhD Palaeopathological and Palaeoepidemiological Analyses of Treponemal Infection on the Northwest Coast:  A Unitarian Perspective
Klassen, Michael 2013 PhD Indigenous Heritage Stewardship and the Transformation of Archaeological Practice: Two Case Studies from the Mid-Fraser Region of British Columbia
Cockle, Diane  2013 PhD Human Decomposition and the Factors that Affect It:  A Retrospective Study of Death Scenes in Canada
Rodrigues, Antonia  2012 MA Experimental Investigation into the Preservation and Recovery of Degraded DNA from Sediments
Tarle, Lia 2012 MA Clothing and the replacement of Neanderthals by modern humans
Capper, Mairi  2012 MA Urban Subsistence in the Bronze and Iron Ages: The Palaeoethnobotany of Tell Tayinat, Turkey
Dielissen, Sandie 2012 MA Teaching a School to Talk: Archaeology of the Queen Victoria Jubilee Home for Indian Children
Balanzategui, Daniela  2012 MA Colonial Indigenous and Mastizo Foodways: Ceramic Analysis and Ethnoarchaeology in the Highlands of Ecuador
Hannis, Kristina  2011 MA On the Edge of Change:  Shifting Land Use in the Pikani Timber Limit, Porcupine Hills, Alberta
Jackley, Julia  2011 MA Weaving the Histories of Klehkwahnnohm:  A Tlaamin  Community in Southwest British Columbia
Moore, Jason 2011 MA Comparative Study of Ancient DNA Extraction Methods for Archaeological Plant Remains
Solomon, Simon 2011 MA Shattered Glass and Broken Bones: Pikani Domestic Space 1880-1960
Peters, Alana 2011 MA The Real Wild West: The Archaeology and History of the 'Casa Grande'
Ruttle, April 2011 MA Risk and Technology: Exploring the Causes of Toolkit Variation among Subsistence Farmers
LeBlanc, Kathleen 2011 MA Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology in Fiji: The Role of Social Processes in Ceramic Diversity
Pierson, Nova 2011 MA Bridging Troubled Waters: Zooarchaeology and Marine Conservation on Burrard Inlet, Southwest British Columbia
Arndt, Ursula 2011 PhD Ancient DNA analysis of north east Pacific humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
Johnson, Sarah 2010 MA Combining Traditional Knowledge With Archaeological Investigation in Grace Harbour, Desolation Sound, B.C.
Ewing, Robyn 2010 MA Finding Middle Ground:  Case Studies in Negotiated Repatriation
Duke, Guy 2010 MA Acequia Maria Mayancela: The San Andr矇s Canal System, Chimborazo, Ecuador
McGrath, Krista M. 2010 MA The Effects of High Temperature on the Quantity and Quality of Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA in Non-Human Skeletal Remains
Ritchie, Morgan 2010 MA From House to Watershed: The Cultural Landscape of the Sts'ailes People
Congram, Derek 2010 PhD Spatial analysis and predictive modelling of clandestine graves from rearguard repression of the Spanish Civil War


Springer, Chris 2009 MA Tracking Identity in a Harrison Valley Pithouse
McKerracher, Luseadra 2009 MA An Assessment of the Impact of Population History and Risk on Human Weaning Behaviour
Hammond, Joanne 2009 MA Archaeology Without Reserve:  Indigenous Heritage Stewardship in British Columbia
Morrissey, Greg 2009 MA Tools and Change: The Shift from Atltatl to Bow on the British Columbia Interior Plateau
Hall, Jonathan B. 2009 MA Pointing it Out: Fluted Projectile Point Distributions and Early Human Populations in Saskatchewan
Speller, Camilla 2009 PhD Investigating turkey domestication in the Southwest United States through ancient DNA analysis
Mundorff, Amy 2009 PhD Human identification following the World Trade Center Disaster:  assessing management practices for highly fragmented and commingled remains
Michaels, Gina Claire 2009 PhD Poverty, chastity and obedience: monastic masculinities in Spanish Colonial Riobamba
Elliott, Marina 2008 MA Craniometric ancestry determination and FORDISC 3.0
King, Amanda 2008 MA Archaeology and Local Governments:  The Perspectives of First Nations and Municipal Councillors in the Fraser Valley, BC
Fothergill, Brooklynne 2008 MA Analysis and Interpretation of the Fauna from the Bluff Great House
Ross, Doug 2008 PhD "Headhunters", "Headless Men", and the material lives of Asian transmigrants
Badenhorst, Shaw 2008 PhD The zooarcheology of great house sites in the San Juan Basin of the American Southwest
Apaak, Clement 2008 PhD The socio-economic role of salt in northern Ethiopia
Ramsay, Jennifer 2008 PhD Seeds of imperialism: A core/periphery analysis in the eastern Roman empire
Tach矇, Karine 2008 PhD Structure and regional diversity of the Meadowood interaction sphere
St. Denis, Michael 2008 PhD El Hospital de la Real Caridad: A historical archaeology of institutional power at a late Spanish Colonial Period hospital in the Ecuadorian Andes
King, Shannon 2007 MA What's the Point?  A Morphological Study of Small Bone Points from Nuu-chah-nulth Territory, Vancouver Island, B.C.
Commisso, Rob G. 2007 PhD Plant 帤15N: A New Archaeological Tool
Adams, Ron L. 2007 PhD The megalithic tradition of West Sumba Indonesia: an ethnoarchaeological investigation of megalith construction
Dunk, Chelsea L.W. 2006 MA An Archaeobotanical Investigation of Shields Pueblo's (5MT3807) Pueblo II Period
Locher, Peter 2006 MA Time of Change: Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Landscape Transformation and Human Presence in the Pitt River Drainage System, British Columbia, Canada
Weiser, Andrea 2006 MA Exploring 10,000 Years of Human History on Ebey's Prairie, Whidbey Island, Washington
White, Elroy/Xanius 2006 MA Heiltsuk Stone Fish Traps: Products of My Ancestors' Labour
Arnold, Thomas George 2006 PhD The ice-free corridor: biogeographic highway or environmental cul-de-sac
Copp, Stanley Arthur 2006 PhD Similkameen Archaeology (19932004)
Delgado, James 2006 PhD Gold Rush Entrep繫t: The Maritime Archaeology of the Rise of the Port of San Francisco
Rahemtulla, Farid 2006 PhD Design of Stone Tool Technology During the Early Period (ca. 10,0005,000 B.P.) at Namu, Central Coast of British Columbia
Rawlings, Tiffany 2006 PhD Faunal Analysis and Meat Procurement: Reconstructing the Sexual Division of Labor at Shields Pueblo, Colorado
Woodward, Robyn Patricia 2006 PhD Medieval Legacies: The Industrial Archaeology of an Early Sixteenth Centruy Sugar Mill at Sevilla La Nueva, Jamaica
McKechnie, Iain 2005 MA Five Thousand Years of Fishing at a Shell Midden in the Broken Group Island, Barkely Sound, B.C.
Ouellet, Richard 2005 MA Tales of Empowerment: Cultural Continuity within an Evolving Identity in the Upper Athabasca Valley
Pasacreta, Laura 2005 MA White Tigers and Azure Dragons: Overseas Chinese Burial Practices in the Canadian and American West (1850s - 1910s)
Reid, Mike 2005 MA Plasmodium sp. Infections in Ex-Captive Bornean Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) Housed at the Orangutan Care Centre and Quarantine, Pasir Panjang, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia
Speller, Camilla 2005 MA One Fish, Two Fish, Old Fish, New Fish: Investigating Differential Distribution of Salmon Resources in the Pacific Northwest Through Ancient DNA Analysis
Trost, Teresa 2005 MA Forgotten Waters: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of the Cove Cliff Site (DhRr 18), Indian Arm, B.C.
Watt, Kathy 2005 MA Decontamination Techniques in Ancient DNA Analysis
Weber, Nick 2005 MA The Distribution and Use of Cattle Products in Northern Highland Ethiopia
Kessy, Emanuel 2005 PhD The Relationship Between the Later Stone Age (LSA) and Iron Age (IA) Cultures of Central Tanzania
Sandgathe, Dennis M. 2005 PhD An Analysis of the Levallois Reduction Strategy Using a Design Theory
Tarcan, Carmen 2005 PhD Counting Sheep: Fuana, Contact and Colonialism at Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico, A.D. 13001700
Huculak, Shauna Ann Grace 2004 MA Middle Period Hunter-Gatherers of the Thompson River Drainage, British Columbia: A Critical Review
Johansen, Shirley 2004 MA Prehistoric Secret Societies: An Ethnoarchaeological Model of Origin and Identification
Storey, Alice A. 2004 MA SAVE ME A DRUMSTICK: Molecular Taphonomy, Differential Preservation and Ancient DNA from the Kingdom of Tonga
Vallieres, Claudine 2004 MA The Paleoindian Bison Assemblage from Charlie Lake Cave
Sawatzky, Roland Meyer 2004 PhD The Control of Social Space in Mennonite Housebarns of Manitoba (18741940)
Smith, Cameron 2004 PhD The Social Organization of Production in Three Protohistoric Lower-Columbia River Plank Houses
Castillo, Victoria Elena 2003 MA Ceramicists at the Convenci籀n del 45 Neighbourhood: Contemporary Ecuadorian Artisans and Their Material Culture
Jessee, Erin Denise 2003 MA Exhuming Conflict: Some Recommendations for the Creation of a Series of Experimental Mass Grave and Mass Grave-Related Test Sites
Karpiak, Monica 2003 MA Modeling Nuu-chah-nulth Land Use: The Cultural Landscape of Clayoquot Sound
Lindsay, Corene Texada 2003 MA Investigations into the Ethnographic and Prehistoric Importance of Freshwater Shellfish on the Interior Plateau of British Columbia
Nimmo, Eve 2003 MA The Concepci籀n Convent of Cuenca, Ecuador: Examining Gender, Class, and Economy in a Latin American Convent.
Tsukamoto, Suyoko Anne 2003 MA The Prevalence and Timing of Enamel Hypoplasia in the Bonobo, Pan Paniscus
Brand, Michael James 2003 PhD Transience in Dawson City, Yukon, During the Klondike Gold Rush
Budhwa, Rick 2002 MA Correlations Between Catastrophic Paleoenvironmental Events and Native Oral Traditions of the Pacific Northwest
Commisso, Robert 2002 MA Foliar delta 15N as an Indicator of Anthropogenic Sediments
Marshall, Amanda L. 2002 MA M.A Culturally Modified Trees of the Nechako Plateau: Cambium Utilization Amongst Tradional Carrier (Dakhel) Peoples
Adams, Ron 2001 MA Ethnoarchaeology of Feasting in Tana Toraja, Indonesia
Crucefix, Lanna 2001 MA Copper Use in the Old Copper Complex: A Comparative Analysis of Wittry VI-C Copper Axes and Three-quarter Grooved Stone Axes
Park, Julie 2001 MA Food from the Heartland: The Iwawi Site and Tiwanaku Political Economy from a Faunal Perspective
Spurgeon, Terrence C. 2001 MA Wapato (Sagittaria latifolia) in Katzie Traditional Territory
Chen, Ying-ying 2001 PhD In the Colonies of Tang: Historical Archaeology of Chinese Communities in the North Caribou District, British Columbia (18601940)
Franck, Ian 2000 MA An Archaeological Investigation of the Galene Lakes Area in the Skagit Range of the North Cascade Mountain, Skagit Valley Park, B.C.
Lyons, Natasha 2000 MA Investigating Ancient Socioeconomy in Sto:Lo Territory: A Palaeoethnobotanical Analysis of the Scowlitz Site, Southwestern, B.C.
Reimer, Rudolph 2000 MA Extreme Archaeology: The Results of Investigations at High Elevation Regions in the Northwest
Seip, Lisa 2000 MA Early Nuxalk Masks
Wollstonecroft, Mich癡le Mary 2000 MA The Fruit of Their Labour: A Palaeoethnobotanical Study of Site EeRb 140, A Multi-Component Open-air Archaeological Site on the British Columbia Plateau
Wright, Kristine Elizabeth 2000 MA Mortuary Patterning: A Burial Analysis from Northwest Coast Archaeological Sites
Yoshida, Sara Jane 2000 MA The Replication of Depressed, Localized Skull Fractures: An Experiment Using Sus domesticus' As a Model For Human Forensic Trauma
MacLeod, Carol Elizabeth 2000 PhD The Cerebellum and Its Part in the Evolution of the Hominoid Brain


Hammer, Thomas John 1999 MA On the Periphery of the Klondike Gold Rush: Canyon City, An Archaeological Perspective
Jackman, Nicole Denise 1999 MA Tef and Finger Millet: Archaeobotanical Studies of Two Indigenous East African Cereals
Pegg, Brian 1999 MA The Taphonomic History of the Vertebrate Faunal Assemblage from British Camp, San Juan Islands, Washington
Muir, Robert James 1999 PhD Zooarchaeology of Sand Canyon Pueblo, Colorado
Rogers, Tracy Lea 1999 PhD The Attribution of Ancestry for European and Indian (South Asian) Individuals Within a Forensic Context
Roksandic, Mirjana 1999 PhD Transition from Mesolithic to Neolithic in the Iron Gates Gorge: Physical Anthropology Perspective
Chu, Pei Pei 1998 MA Dietary Variation Among the Prehistoric Asiatic Eskimo
Clarke, Michael Joseph 1998 MA Feasting Among the Akha of Northern Thailand: An Ethnoarchaeological Case Study
Hall, David Rodenhurst 1998 MA Tsini Tsini: A Technological Analysis of a Biface Production Centre in the Talchako River Valley, B.C.
Schaepe, David Michael 1998 MA Recycling Archaeology: Analysis of Material from the 1973 Excavation of an Ancient House at the Mauer Site
King, Jerome Hardy 1997 MA Prehistoric Diet in Central Baja California, Mexico
Hutchings, W. Karl 1997 PhD The Paleoindian Fluted Point: Dart or Spear Armature? The Identification of a Paleoindian Delivery Technology Through the Analysis of Lithic Fracture Technology
Darwent, John 1996 MA The Prehistoric Use of Nephrite on the British Columbia Plateau
Hannah, John G. R. 1996 MA Seated Human Figure Bowls: An Investigation of a Prehistoric Stone Carving Tradition from the Northwest Coast
Mitchell, Lesley Susan 1996 MA The Archaeology of the Dead at BoundaryBay, British Columbia: A History and Critical Analysis
McMillan, Allan D. 1996 PhD Since Kwatyat Lived on Earth: An Examination of Nuu-chah-nulth Culture History
Winter, Barbara J. 1996 PhD Out of Sight, Out of Mind: The Reposition of Archaeological Collections in Canada
Crellin, David Frederick 1995 MA Is There a Dog in the House: The Cultural Significance of Prehistoric Domesticated Dogs in the Mid Fraser River Region of British Columbia
Darwent, Christann M. 1995 MA Late Dorset Faunal Remains from the Tasiarulik Site, Little Cornwallis Island, Central High Arctic, Canada
Marais, Anthony P. 1995 MA Kolo Velata: An Analysis of West Polynesian Fortifications
Odwak, Hartley 1995 MA A Study of Neandertal Scapular Shape with Special Reference to Kebara Mousterian Hominid 2
Rahemtulla, Farid 1995 MA An Analysis of Lithic Debitage from the Early Period at Namu
Sauer, Sandra Rochelle 1995 MA The O'Keefe Ranch: An Archaeological Perspective
Barton, Andrew John 1994 MA Fishing for Ivory Worms: A Review of Ethnographic and Historical Recorded Dentalium Source
Dahm, Inge Rosemarie 1994 MA Cultural and Social Dimensions of the Prehistoric Gulf Islands Soapstone Industry
Dale, Jacqueline M. 1994 MA Cribra Orbitalia, Nutrition and Pathogenic Stress in Prehistoric Skeletal Remains from the Pender Island Canal Sites (DeRt 1, DeRt 2), British Columbia, Canada
Holmberg, Daniel Arthur 1994 MA Arrow Heads and Spear Points an Experimental Study of Projectile Points
Linklater, Eva Mary Mina 1994 MA The Footprints of Wasahkacahk: The Churchill River Diversion Project and Destruction of the Nelson House Cree Historical Landscape
Maas, Alexandra 1994 MA The Adoption and Use of 19th Century Ceramics at Old Bella Bella, British Columbia
Morrison, Donna M. 1994 MA Validity in Lithic Debitage Analysis: An Experimental Assessment Comparing Quartzite to Obsidian
Munro, Natalie D. 1994 MA An Investigation of Anasazi Turkey Production in Southwestern Colorado
Oakes, Nicole Rae 1994 MA The Late Prehistoric Maohi Fare HaupapeAn examination of Household Organization in Mo'orea, French Polynesia
Richards, Michael Phillip 1994 MA Luminescence Dating of Quartzite From the Diring Yuriakh Site
Schulting, Rick J. 1994 MA An Investigation of Mortuary Variabilityand Socioeconomic Status Differentiation on the Northwest Plateau
Klimko, Olga 1994 PhD The Archaeology of Land Based Fur Trade Posts in Western Canada: A History and Critical Analysis
Milne, Laurie A. 1994 PhD Coping With Uncertainty: Cultural Responses to Resouce Fluctuations in the Northern Plains
Breffitt, John Robert 1993 MA The Skoglund's Landing Complex: A Re-examination of the Transitional Complex of Artifacts from Skoglund's Landing, Queen Charlotte's Islands, British Columbia
Sullivan, Gregg Matthew 1993 MA Postdepositional Leaching of Shell in Two Northwest Coast Shell Middens
Yellowhorn, Eldon Carlyle 1993 MA Since the Bad Spirit Became our Master
Marshall, Yvonne May 1993 PhD A Political History of the Nuu-Chah-Nulth Peoples: A Case Study of the Mowachaht and Muchalaht Tribes
Johnstone, Dave 1992 MA The Function(s) of a Shellmidden Site From the Southern Strait of Georgia
Oliver, Lindsay J. 1992 MA The Golden Pioneer Cemetery: Health and Mortuary Practises of the Early Pioneers 18821894 Archaeological Site EhQf3
Prince, Paul 1992 MA A People with History: Acculturation and Resistance in Kimsquit
Purss, Catharina Maria 1992 MA Continuity or Replacement: The Origin of Modern Humans in Southeast Asia and Australia
Spafford, James G. 1992 MA Artifact Distribution on Housepit Floors and Social Organization in House Pits at Keatley Creek
Wood, Shannon Raye 1992 MA Tooth Wear and the Sexual Division of Labour in an Inuit Population
Lyons, Diane Elaine 1992 PhD Men's Houses: Women's Spaces: An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Gender and Household Design in Dela, North Cameroon
Brown, Thomas A. 1991 MSc. 10Be Production Rate Variations Over the Last Twenty Thousand Years as Recorded in a Lake Sediment
Duffy, Jacqueline B. 1991 MA An Appraisal of the Stability of Sex Chromatin and the H-Y Molecule in Forensic Contexts
Vasey, Paul L. 1991 MA Feeding Ecology and the Rise of Primate Intelligence: With Special Reference to the Orangutan
Hamilton, James Scott 1991 PhD Fur Trade Social Inequality and the Role of Non-Verbal Communication
Hanson, Diane Kay 1991 PhD Late Prehistoric Subsistence in the Strait of Georgia Region of the Northwest Coast
Kn羹sel, Christopher John 1991 PhD Biomechanics of the Hominine Cranium with Special Reference to Homo erectus and the Archaic Homo sapiens
Sykes, Kathleen H. 1991 PhD Symbolic Structure, Social Strategies, and the Built Environment of an Ancient Andean Village: A.D. 12501460
Bedard, Elizabeth Louise 1990 MA The Historic and Ethnographic Backgroud of Fort d'Epinette (HaRc 27): Considerations for the Archaeological Determination of Ethnicity
Beram, Luisa Jane 1990 MA The Capital Regional District Parks: A Case Study in Archaeological Resource Management
Hanna, Donald Thomas 1990 MA Architectural Variability in Palaeoeskimo Tent Rings From Jones Sound, NWT
Quackenbush, William George 1990 MA Tastes of Canadians and Dogs: the History and Archaeology of McLeods Lake Post, British Columbia, GfRs-2


Kujit, Ian 1989 MA Subsistence Resource Variability and Culture Change: An Alternative Interpretation of The Middle-Late Prehistoric Cultural Transition On the Canadian Plateau
Maxwell, David Bruce Saxon 1989 MA Growth Coloration: A Method for Determining the Season of Collection of Archaeological Shellfish
Rousseau, Michael Keith 1989 MA Significance and Function of Key-Shaped Formed Unifaces Onthe Interior Plateau of Northwestern North America
Nagy, Murielle Ida 1988 MA Caribou Exploitation at the Trail River Site (NorthernYukon).
Quirolo, Mary M. 1988 MA Culture History of Canyon Del Muerto, Arizona: Basketmaker II - Peublo I
Pyszczyk, Heinz Walter 1988 PhD Economic and Social Factors in the Consumption of Material Goods in the Fur Trade of Western Canada
Burton, Sandra Gaye 1987 MA Wooden Features on the Coast of British Columbia: An Input Management Approach
Casey, Joanna Louise 1987 MA Prehistoric Exploitation of Unionacean Bivalve Molluscs in the Lower Tennessee - Cumberland - Ohio River Valleys in western Kentucky
Langemann, Elisabeth Gwyn 1987 MA Zooarchaeology of the Lillooet Region, British Columbia
Mohs, Gordon 1987 MA Spiritual Sites, Ethnic Significance and Native Spirituality: The Heritage and Heritage Sites of the Sto:lo Indians of British Columbia
Anderson, Barbara Cage 1987 PhD Parturition Scarring as a Consequence of Flexible Pelvic Architecture
Chisholm, Brian Stewart 1987 PhD Reconstruction of Prehistoric Diet in British Columbia Using Stable Carbon Isotopic Analysis
Haley, Shawn D. 1987 PhD The Pasika Complex Cobble Reduction Strategies on the NWC
Mignon, Molly Raymond 1987 PhD Maya Animal Protein Procurement and Utilization: An Assessment of the Ethnohistoric Evidence
Nicholson, Beverly Alistair 1987 PhD Human Ecology and Prehistory of the Forest Grassland Transition Zone of Western Manitoba
Godfrey-Smith, Dorothy I. 1986 MA X-Ray Flouresence Characterization of the Obsidian Flows From the Mount Edziza Volcanic Complex of British Columbia, Canada
Kusmer, Karla Dawn 1986 MA Microvertebrate Taphonomy in Archaeological Sites: An Examination of Owl Deposition and the Taphonomy of Small Mammals from Sentinel Cove, Oregon
Lazenby, Richard Allan 1986 MA Interaction of the Bone Porosity and Cross-Sectional Geometry For the Conservation of Bone Strength
Muckle, Robert Jones 1986 MA Archaeological Considerations of Bivalve Shell Taphonomy.
Conaty, Gerald Thomas 1986 PhD Middle and Late Archaic Hunter-Gatherer Mobility Strategies in Western Kentucky
Spurling, Brian Eyton 1986 PhD Archaeological Resource Management in Western Canada
Curtin, A. Joanne 1985 MA Human Skeletal Remains from Namu (ElSx 1): A Descriptive Analysis
Nelles, Wayne C. 1985 MA Archaeology, Myth, and Oral Tradition: A Problem in Specialization, Consciousness, and the Sociology of Archaeological Knowledge.
Carbone, Larry A. 1984 MA Environmental Change and Cultural Transition in the Early Prehistory of South-Coastal California
Walsmith, Deborah Lynne 1984 MA Middle Palaeolithic Assemblage From Nubiaand Its Cultural Relationships
Deal, Michael 1984 PhD Pottery Ethnoarchaeology Among the Tzeltal Maya
Ellis, Christopher John 1984 PhD Paleo-Indian Lithic Technological Structure and Organization in Lower Great Lakes Area
Albright, Sylvia Louise 1983 MA Ethnoarchaeological Study of Tahltan Substance and Settlement Patterns
Collier, Stephen 1983 MA Australian Aboriginal Immature Dentition
Damkjar, Eric R. 1983 MA Coulter Site and Late Iroquoian Migration to the Upper Trent Valley
Dodd, Christine Frances 1983 MA Ontario Iroquois Tradition Longhouses
Gotthilf, Vivian 1983 MA Maize Storage Strategies: An Ethno- Archaeological Perspective
Horsfall, Gayel A. 1983 MA Design Theory Perspective On Variability in Grinding Stones
Warrick, Gary Arthur 1983 MA Reconstructing Ontario Iroquoian Village Organization
White, James M. 1983 PhD Late Quaternary Geochronology and the Palaeoecology of the Upper Peace River District, Canada
Bobrowsky, Peter T. 1982 MA Quantitative and Qualitative Significance of Fossil and Subfossil Gastropod Remains in Archaeology
Benmouyal, Joseph 1982 PhD North Gaspe Prehistory
Fredlund, Lynn Berry 1982 PhD Southeastern Montana in the Late Prehistoric Period, Human Adaptation and Projectile Point Technology
Cormie, Alison Barbara 1981 MA Chemical Correlation of Volcanic Ashes for Use as Stratigraphic Markers in Archaeology
Nicholson, Beverly Alistair 1981 MA An Investigation of the Potential of Freshwater Mussels As Seasonal Indicators in Archaeological Sites.
Oetelaar, Gerald A. 1981 MA Deer Remains in Archaeology With Special Reference to the Mandible of Mature Rocky Mountain Mule Deer
Titus, Lawrence W. 1981 MA Hair Identification For the Archaeologist, A Yukon Sample
Trace, Andrew Alexander 1981 MA An Examination of the Locarno Beach Phase As Represented at the Crescent Beach site, DgRr 1, British Columbia
Beattie, Owen Beverly 1981 PhD An Analysis of Prehistoric Human Skeletal Material from the Gulf of Georgia Region of British Columbia
Ball, Bruce Frederick 1980 MA Regional Sampling in a Forested Situation: Archaeology and the Northeast Coal Study
Copp, Stanley Arthur 1980 MA Archaeological Investigations at the McCall Site, South Okanagan Valley, British Columbia
Prager, Gabriella 1980 MA Behavioural Implications of Cultural Formation Processes: An Example From Fur Trade Archaeology
Pomeroy, John Anthony 1980 PhD Bella Bella Settlement and Subsistence


Blacklaws, Richard William 1979 MA Excavation at Esquimalt Lagoon: A Contribution to Straits Salish Prehistory
Stevenson, Marc G. 1979 MA Looking For Gold: Historic Sites Survey of Kluane National Park, Southwest Yukon
Williams, Jean Helen 1979 MA Fort d'Epinette: A Description of Faunal Remains From An Early Fur Trade Site in Northern British Columbia
Wilson, Ian Robert 1979 MA Archaeological Investigations At the Atigun Site, Central Brooks Range, Alaska
Burley, David Vincent 1979 PhD Marpole, Anthropological Reconstruction of a Prehistoric NWC Cultural Type
Charlton, Arthur Sidney 1978 MA The Archaeology of the Belcarra Site: A Contribution to the Strait of Georgia Prehistory
Montgomery, Pamela 1978 MA Stone Artifacts From the Punchaw Lake Site (Area C) : A Late Prehistoric Occupation in Central British Columbia.
Apland, Brian Carl 1977 MA Early Chipped Stone Industries of the Central Coast of British Columbia
Bussey, Barbara Jean 1977 MA The Comparison of Lithics at Three Sites in the East Kootney Area of British Columbia
Masao, Fidelis Taliwawa 1977 PhD The Late Stone Age and the Rock Paintings of Central Tanzania
Boucher, Nichole Diane 1976 MA Prehistoric Subsistence at the Helen Point Site
Chapman, Margaret Winifred 1976 MA Archaeological Investigations at the O'Conner Site Port Hardy, British Columbia
Ham, Leonard Charles 1976 MA Shuswap Settlement Patterns
von Krogh, Georg Henning 1976 MA Archaeological Investigations At the Flood and Pipeline Sites, Near Hope, British Columbia
White, James Murray 1976 MA The Cultural Sequence at Chicomucelo, Chiapas
Wilson, Robert Laird 1976 MA Archaeological Investigations Near Kamloops, BritishColumbia
Hoover, Alan Lewis 1975 MA Socketed Harpoon Heads From the Northwest Coast
Lundy, Doris Marion 1975 MA The Rock Art of the Northwest Coast
Percy, Richard Charles William 1975 MA The Prehistoric Cultural Sequence at Crescent Beach, British Columbia
Crowe-Sword, David Bruce 1974 MA The Carruthers Site: A Late Prehistoric Site in the Lower Fraser Valley
McMurdo, John David 1974 MA The Archaeology of Helen Point, Mayne Island
Baker, James W.E. 1973 MA A Linguistic and Ethnographic Approach to Bella Coola Prehistory
McMurdo, Ann de Gruchy Tighe 1973 MA A Typological Analysis of Barbed Bone and Antler Projectile Points From the Northwest Coast
Pyne, Garry H. 1970 MA The Pre-Reserve Blackfoot: Cultural Persistence and Change