


Compton, Brian D. and Gerdts, Donna. 1999  Native Peoples, Plants & Animals: A Halkomelem Ethnobiological Web Site/halk-ethnobiology/index.htm

E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Plants of British Columbia. .

Indigenous Plant Guide hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ — MOV | Museum of Vancouver. MOV | Museum of Vancouver. .
    Visit the Museum of Vancouver to play the audio and listen to how to say the plants in hÉ™nÌ“qÌ“É™minÌ“É™mÌ“.

Indigenous plant guide in Sḵwx̱ wú7mesh sníchim. MOV | Museum of Vancouver. .
    Visit the Museum of Vancouver to play the audio and listen to how to say the plants in Sḵwx̱ wú7mesh sníchim.

Invasive Species Council of British Columbia. Invasive Species Council of British Columbia, .
    Learn more about invasive species in BC.

Native Plants on the South Coast. Learning Portal. .
    Visit this learning portal at the Royal BC Museum to read about ethnobotany and local plants in BC.

Turner, Nancy J. 2014 Ancient pathways, ancestral knowledge : ethnobotany and ecological wisdom of Indigenous peoples of northwestern North America. Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal.
- These books examine the use and knowledge of plants and their environments by Indigenous peoples in what we currently know as northwestern North America. Included is a list of plants and their names in many Indigenous languages.

UBC Museum of Anthropology. Knowledge Keepers: Medicine Walk
     Video tour of the , with Cease Wyss.

xʷəlməxʷqən Cultural Society: Plants.
- A great resource for traditional cultural knowledge and language of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ people.

Resources for buying native plants

All of these stores do retail sales.

  •  (Bowser, BC)
    Check their hours - you may need to make an appointment. Order in advance, and choose your individual plants at pickup.
  • (Saanich, BC)
    Excellent source for seeds.
  • (Sardis, BC)
    Limited stock. Order in advance, and make an appointment to pick up.
  • (North Vancouver, BC)
  • (Vancouver, BC)
    They have a yearly fundraiser for garden and balcony plant bundles.
  • (Langley, BC)
  • (Vancouver, BC)