
Laura Termes

PhD Candidate, Michael Richards

Areas of interest

Zooarchaeology, Human Osteology, Paleontology, Museums.


  • MA: University of Bournemouth 2011
  • BA: University of Saskatchewan 2009

PhD Research  

Investigating British Columbia’s ice age refugia by sourcing and dating extinct megafauna.


MA Thesis

Romano-British cattle butchery. Evidence from a cellar deposit in Wortley Villa for rural Bos marrow processing.

Other Activities

Since 2013, consulting archaeologist focusing on human and animal osteological remains in the Northwest Coast region.


2013 (Termes, Laura) Scapula Points. The Midden 45 (3): 11-14.

Survey at Sabazan on Carriacou, W.I., photo taken by Dr. Christina Giovas.
Mammoth collagen in Dr. Mike Richard's chemistry lab.
Paleontology field trip with Dr. Barbara Winter in Courtenay.