
Whitney Spearing

HRM MA Student, Rudy Reimer/Yumks

Areas of interest

British Columbia Archaeology, Lithic Sourcing / Trade and Transportation of Raw Materials


  • BA: University of Northern British Columbia, 2010
  • Post Graduate Certificate – Project Management, University of British Columbia


I am graduate of the University of Northern British Columbia (BA, Anthropology), and the University of British Columbia (Project Management Certificate). My HRM field experience includes impact assessment and mitigation/monitoring for natural resource, infrastructure, residential and recreational developments. Paperwork skills: proposals, budgets, technical report writing and client/First Nations liaison. Currently, I am employed as an Archaeologist and Natural Resource Coordinator for the Williams Lake Indian Band.

Research Interests

My enthusiasm for the HRM program comes from a desire to add professional value to the archaeological discipline; and break cycles of meagre research design in contract archaeology.

MA Research

My thesis research is addressing frequency, time depth and geospatial distribution of dacite toolstone in Interior British Columbia, using portable x-ray florescence spectrometry (pXRF). Specific questions I am examining include:

  • When does dacite from local sources appear in the archaeological record?
  • What is the difference in usage frequency between dacite types?
  • How do phenomena such as migration and trade, influence the geospatial distribution of dacite?

Other Activities

When I’m not working, I can be found exploring, volunteering or travelling the world in search of delicious food.


I have served as both a lead and contributing author of heritage resource reports, in the Province of British Columbia, in support of forestry, transportation, oil and gas, and residential construction developments.

2015 Spearing, Whitney
Preliminary Field Reconnaissance on Crown Land Disposition, Block A, District Lots 12960 and 6880, Cariboo District.
 Stantec Consulting Ltd. Submitted to the BC Archeology Branch. Heritage Conservation Act Permit 2015-0112. Copies available through the BC Archaeology Branch, Victoria.

2014 Spearing, Whitney
Archaeological Impact Assessment of Proposed Recreational Developments at Till Lake Recreation Site
. Stantec Consulting Ltd. Submitted to the BC Archeology Branch. Heritage Conservation Act Permit 2014-0194. Copies available through the BC Archaeology Branch, Victoria.

2014 Spearing, Whitney
Archaeological Impact Assessments Conducted under Heritage Conservation Act Permit 2013-0111 for West Fraser Mills Ltd. Proposed Forestry Operations in the Quesnel Forest District.
 Stantec Consulting Ltd. Submitted to the BC Archeology Branch. Heritage Conservation Act Permit 2013-0111. Copies available through the BC Archaeology Branch, Victoria.

2014 Spearing, Whitney
Archaeological Impact Assessments Conducted under Heritage Conservation Act Permit 2013-0146 for Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Proposed Forestry Operations in the Quesnel Forest District
. Stantec Consulting Ltd. Submitted to the BC Archeology Branch. Heritage Conservation Act Permit 2013-0146. Copies available through the BC Archaeology Branch, Victoria.


2016 Spearing, Whitney
Twinning the Highway: Archaeology in the Face of Destructive Processes. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Indigenous Mapping Workshop, Vancouver.

2016 Spearing, Whitney and J. Grieve
Baker Creek or Baezaeko: Geochemical Analysis of Fine-Grained Volcanic Artifacts from the Interior Plateau of British Columbia. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association, Whitehorse.

2014 Grieve, Johnathan. and W. Spearing
A Preliminary Analysis of Projectile Points in the Quesnel Forest District. Poster presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association, London.

2014 Spearing, Whitney
The Archaeology of Natelsby Lake. Presentation at Nazko First Nation Culture Camp. Natelsby Lake, BC.

Trowelling back at the cuirt, Kilteasheen Ireland.
Post-heli shift. Quesnel, BC
Soaking the feet, Rail Lake BC
Quartzite projectile point, found in a shovel test. Plateau Horizon.