
Jonathan Driver



  • MA (Cambridge)
  • PhD (University of Calgary)


Jon Driver has been a faculty member in Archaeology since 1982. He has served as Chair of Archaeology (1993-1996), Dean of Graduate Studies (2000-2008) and Vice-President Academic and Provost (2008-2016 and 2019-2020). 

General Research Interests

He has undertaken archaeological fieldwork and laboratory analysis in England, the American Southwest and western Canada. His research deals generally with human subsistence and human/environment relationships, topics that he approaches through zooarchaeological methods.

Research Programs

Driver's 40-year research career encompassed two major areas: analysis of animal bones from archaeological sites in the American Southwest, and the excavation and analysis of Tse'K'wa, a National Historic Site in northeast British Columbia. He has retired from active research and will not be accepting new graduate students. 

His work in the American Southwest can be found in his recent publications list and through Google Scholar for earlier works. Most Southwest faunal analyses undertaken by Driver and his students can be found in The Digital Archaeological Repository (tDAR).

His most recent SSHRC grant was to complete analysis of the Tse'K'wa materials, and he continues to publish occasionally with colleagues on that site. His work on Tse'K'wa can be found in his recent publications list and through Google Scholar for earlier works. A large amount of information about the site is archived at