2022 | Brian Hayden and T. Earle "Political economy perspectives in trade before and beyond civilization." In J. Ling, R. Chacon and K. Kristiansen (eds.), Trade before civilization. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. |
2021 | Hayden, Brian "'Status' pursuits in the past and the condition we are now in." In P. Roscoe and C. Esenhour (eds.). Consumption, status and sustainability. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. pp:35-58 |
2020 | Brian Hayden "Did secret societies create inequalities in the Upper Paleolithic?" In Luc Moreau (ed.). Social inequality before farming? Mulitpdisciplinary approaches to the study of social organization in prehistoric and ethnographic hunter-gatherer-fisher societies. MacDonald Institute Monographs & Conversations: Cambridge. pp: 117-129 |
2020 | Brian Hayden "Archaeological pitfalls of storage." Current Anthropology. 61: 763-793. |
2020 | Brian Hayden "Communal vs competitive feasting: Comment on Kassabaum." American Antiquity. 85: pp 795-798. |
2020 | Villeneuve, S. and Brian Hayden "Inequality in the Epipaleolithic of the Levant." Prehistoric Archaeology: Journal of Prehistoric Studies. 1:26-35. |
2020 |
Brian Hayden "Psychology in archaeology: The secret society case." In Henley, Tracey; Rossano, Matt; and Kardas, Edward (eds.). Handbook of cognitive archaeology. Routledge: New York. pp 431-450. |
2019 |
Brian Hayden "Use of ceramic technologies by circumpolar hunter-gatherers." In Jordon, Peter and Kevin Gibbs (eds.). Ceramics in circumpolar prehistory. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. pp. 216-226. |
2019 |
Hayden, Brian "Why ideologies and values changed: the role of aggrandizer strategies and secret societies." Expression 24 (June 2019):8-17. |
2018 |
Brian Hayden "Was Le Placard used by secret societies?" In Christophe Delage (ed.). The Grotte du Placard at 150. Archeopress: Oxford. pp. 186-197. |
2018 |
Brian Hayden "Beyond bones: Ritual and social secrets in archaeological remains." In A. Livarda, R. Madgwick, and S. Riera Mora (eds.). Bioarchaeology. Routledge: London. pp 193-199. |
2018 | D.V. Burley, S. Connaughton and G. Clark Early cessation of ceramic production for ancestral Polynesian society in Tonga. PLoS ONE 13(2): e0193166. . |
2017 |
Brian Hayden, L. Nixon-Darcus, and L. Ansell "Our 'daily bread'? The origins of grinding grains and breadmaking." In Louise Steel and K. Zinn (eds.). Exploring the materiality of food 'stuffs'. Routledge: London. pp. 57-78. |
2017 |
Hayden, Brian "Bedrock features: An overview." Quaternary International 439:108-111. |
2017 |
Hayden, Brian "An ethnoarchaeological odyssey: Or, how ethnoarchaeology changed my perspective on life." Ethnoarchaeology 9:81-104. |
2016 |
Brian Hayden and G. Wadley "Pharmacological influences on the Neolithic transition." Journal of Ethnobiology. 35:566-584. |
2015 |
Hayden, Brian "Insights into early lithic technologies from ethnography." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 370:20140356. |
2013 |
Brian Hayden "Aux sources de l'in矇galit矇: l'hypoth癡se client矇liste." Sciences Humaines. 250:38-43. |
2012 |
Brian Hayden, Neil Canuel, and Jennifer Shanse What was brewing in the Natufian? An archaeological assessment of brewing technology in the Epipaleolithic. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. Posted 31 January 2012. |
2012 |
Hayden, Brian Neandertal social structure? Oxford Journal of Archaeology 31:126. |
2011 |
Hayden, Brian A remarkable case of stylistic imitation and technological persistence. Journal of Irreproducible Results 51:323. |
2011 |
Hayden, Brian and Suzanne Villeneuve A century of feasting studies. Annual Review of Anthropology 40:433449. |
2011 | Hayden, Brian Big man, big heart? The political role of aggrandizers in egalitarian and transegalitarian societies. In D. Forsyth and C. Hoyt (Eds.) For the greater good of all: Perspectives on individualism, society, and leadership. Palgrave Macmillan: New York. pp. 101118. |
2011 |
Hayden, Brian Feasting and social dynamics in the Epipaleolithic of the Fertile Crescent. In G. Aranda, S. Monton-Subias, and M. Sanchez (Eds.). Guess who's coming to dinner: Feasting rituals in the prehistoric societies of europe and the Near East. Oxbow Books: Oxford. pp. 3063. |
2011 |
D.V. Burley, M. Horrocks and M.I. Weisler Earliest evidence for pit cultivation provides insight on the nature of first Polynesian settlement. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 15(1):127-147. |
2011 |
Hayden, Brian Peut-on parler dune structure sociale n矇andertalienne? Dossiers dArch矇ologie 345:225. |
2010 |
Hayden, Brian Comment on Close, Inherited social difference at the edges of flakes. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 20:3135. |
2011 |
Hayden, Brian Rice: The first Asian luxury food? In G. Barker and M. Janowski (Eds.), Why cultivate?. McDonald Institute Monograph: Cambridge. pp. 7594. |
2010 |
Hayden, Brian El surgimiento de cazadores-recolectores complejos. Una visi籀n desde el Northwest Plateau. In A. Vila and J. Est矇vez (Eds.), La Excepci籀n y la Norma. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient穩ficas, Treballs dEthnoarqueologia 8:87110, 21921. |
2010 |
Hayden, Brian and Suzanne Villeneuve |
2010 |
Hayden, Brian and Suzanne Villeneuve Astronomy in the Upper Paleolithic? Cambridge Archaeological Journal 21:33155. |
2010 |
Hayden, Brian Review: Belief in the past, Edited by K. Haqys-Gilpin and D. Whitley. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 33:300303. |
2010 |
Hayden, Brian Review: Cave art, by J. Clottes. American Antiquity 75:2067. |
2009 | Hayden, Brian Forward. In Peter Jordan and M. Zvelebil (Eds.) Ceramics before farming. Left Coast Press: Walnut Creek, Calif. pp. 1926. |
2009 |
Hayden, Brian Funerals as feasts: Why are they so important? Cambridge Archaeological Journal 19:2952. |
2009 |
Hayden, Brian The proof is in the pudding: Feasting and the origins of domestication. Current Anthropology 50:597601, 7089. |
2009 |
Hayden, Brian Sex, symmetry, and silliness in the bifacial world. Antiquity 83:11631175. |
2008 |
Hayden, Brian What were they doing in the Oldowan? Lithic Technology: 33:105139. |
2008 |
Hayden, Brian Agriculture: social consequences. In Deborah Pearsall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of archaeology. Elsevier: Amsterdam. pp. 123131. |
2007 |
Hayden, Brian Une soci矇t矇 hi矇rarchique ou 矇galitaire? In S. de Beaume (ed.) Chasseurs-Cueilleurs: Comment vivaient nos anc癡tre du pal矇olitique sup矇rieur CNRS ditions: Paris pp. 197208. |
2005 |
Hayden, Brian Alcohol production and feasting in the ancient world. Comment on J. Jennings et al. Current Anthropology 46:2901 |
2005 | Speller, Camilla, D. Yang, and B. Hayden Ancient DNA Investigation of Prehistoric Salmon Resource Utilization at Keatley Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Archaeological Science 32:13781389 |
2005 |
B. Hayden, and S. Villeneuve. Review:Lascaux, Le Geste, LEspace, et Le Temps, by N. Aujoulat and Chauvet Cave, by Jean Clottes. American Antiquity 70:384388. |
2004 |
Hayden, Brian Archaeology in the new millenium. Journal of Irreproducible Results 48(4):2830. |
2004 | Hayden, Brian Sociopolitical organization in the Natufian: A view from the northwest. In Christophe Delage (Ed.) The last hunter-gatherer societies in the Near East. BAR International Series: Oxford. pp. 263308. |
2004 |
Hayden, Brian Signs and symbols of the Maya. PARI Journal 5(2):712. |
2004 |
Hayden, Brian How religion changed in the Bronze Age The Pomegranate 6(1):107126. |
2004 |
Hayden, B., and Ron Adams Ritual structures in transegalitarian communities. In William Prentiss and Ian Kuijt (Eds.) Complex hunter-Ggatherers: Evolution and organization of prehistoric communities on the Plateau of Northwestern North America. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City. pp. 84102. |
2004 |
Hayden, B., and Sara Mossop Cousins The social dimensions of roasting pits in a winter village site. In William Prentiss and Ian Kuijt (Eds.) Complex hunter-Ggatherers: Evolution and organization of prehistoric communities on the Plateau of Northwestern North America. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City. Pp. 140154. |
2003 |
Hayden, Brian Were luxury foods the first domesticates? Ethnoarchaeological perspectives from Southeast Asia. World Archaeology 34:458469. |
2003 |
Hayden, Brian and J. Ryder Cultural collapses in the Northwest: A reply to Ian Kuijit. American Antiquity 68: 157160. |
2003 |
Hayden, Brian Hunting and feasting: Health and demographic consequences. Before farming 2002/34(3) www.waspjournals |
2003 |
Sandgathe, Dennis, and Brian Hayden Did Neanderthals eat inner bark? Antiquity 77:709718. |
2002 |
Hayden, Brian L矇volution des premiers v礙tements en cuir. In F. Audoin-Rouzeau and S. Beyries (eds.), Le travail du cuir de la pr矇histoire nos jours. Editions APDCA: Antibes. Pp. 193216. |
2001 |
Hayden, Brian Richman, poorman, beggarman, chief: The dynamics of social inequality. In G. Feinman, and T. Price (eds.), Archaeology at the millenium: A sourcebook. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers: New York. Pp. 231272. |
2001 | Hayden, Brian The dynamics of wealth and poverty in the transegalitarian societies of Southeast Asia. Antiquity 75: 57181. |
2001 |
Dietler, Michael, and Brian Hayden Digesting the feast Good to eat, good the drink, good to think: An introduction. In M. Dietler and B. Hayden (eds.), Feasts: Archaeological and ethnographic perspectives on food, politics, and power. Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington, DC. Pp. 120. |
2001 |
Hayden, Brian Fabulous feasts: A prolegomenon to the importance of feasting. In M. Dietler and B. Hayden (eds.), Feasts: Archaeological and ethnographic perspectives on food, politics, and power. Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington, DC. Pp. 2364. |
2000 |
Hayden, Brian Prestige artifacts at Keatley Creek. In B. Hayden (editor), The ancient past of Keatley Creek. Volume II: Socioeconomy. Archaeology Press: 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, BC. Pp. 189202. |
2000 |
Hayden, Brian and Martin Handly The analysis of mesodebitage and mesofauna at Keatley Creek. In B. Hayden (editor), The ancient past of Keatley Creek. Volume II: Socioeconomy. Archaeology Press: 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, BC. Pp. 143150. |
2000 |
Hayden, Brian Social organization and life at Keatley Creek: A reconstruction. In B. Hayden (editor), The ancient past of Keatley Creek. Volume II: Socioeconomy. Archaeology Press: 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, BC. Pp. 287302. |
2000 |
Hayden, Brian An overview of the Classic Lillooet occupation at Keatley Creek. In B. Hayden (editor), The ancient past of Keatley Creek. Volume II: Socioeconomy. Archaeology Press: 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, BC. Pp. 255286. |
2000 |
Hayden, Brian Socioeconomic factors influencing housepit assemblages at Keatley Creek. In B. Hayden (editor), The ancient past of Keatley Creek. Volume II: Socioeconomy. Archaeology Press: 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, BC. Pp. 328. |
2000 |
Hayden, Brian The opening of Keatley Creek. In B. Hayden (editor), The ancient past of Keatley Creek. Volume 1: Taphonomy. Archaeology Press: 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, BC. |
2000 |
Hayden, Brian Conclusions: site formation processes at Keatley Creek. In B. Hayden (editor), The ancient past of Keatley Creek. Volume 1: Taphonomy. Archaeology Press: 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, BC. |
2000 |
Hayden, Brian Variations in sediment characteristics across floors. In B. Hayden (editor), The ancient past of Keatley Creek. Volume 1: Taphonomy. Archaeology Press: 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, BC. Pp. 95101. |
2000 | Hayden, Brian Dating deposits at Keatley Creek. In B. Hayden (editor), The ancient past of Keatley Creek. Volume 1: Taphonomy. Archaeology Press: 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, BC. Pp. 3540. |
2000 |
THenry, Andrew and Brian Hayden Mixing of projectile point types within housepit rim and floor strata at Keatley Creek. In B. Hayden (editor), The ancient past of Keatley Creek. Volume 1: Taphonomy. Archaeology Press: 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, BC. Pp. 4156. |
2000 |
B.Hayden, Nora Franco, and Jim Spafford Keatley Creek lithic strategies and designs. In B. Hayden (editor), The ancient past of Keatley Creek, Vol. 1: Taphonomy. Archaeology Press: 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, BC. Pp. 185212. |
1998 | Hayden, Brian Practical and prestige technologies: The evolution of material systems. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 5: 155. |
1997 | Hayden, Brian Observations on the prehistoric social and economic structure of the North American Plateau. World Archaeology 29: 242261. |
1997 | Hayden, Brian, and Rick Schulting The Plateau Interaction Sphere and Late Prehistoric cultural complexity. American Antiquity 62: 5185. |
1997 | Owens, DAnn, and Brian Hayden Prehistoric rites of passage: A comparative study of transegalitarian hunter-gatherers. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 16: 121161. |
1996 | Hayden, Brian Feasting in prehistoric and traditional societies. In Polly Wiessner and W. Schiefenhovel (editors), Food and the status quest. Berghahn Books: Providence. Pp. 127147. |
1996 | Hayden, Brian Thresholds of power in emergent complex societies. In Jeanne Arnold, (editor), Emergent complexity: The evolution of intermediate societies. Pp. 5058 International Monographs in Prehistory: Ann Arbor, Michigan |
1996 | Hayden, Brian, Edward Bakewell, and Rob Gargett The worlds longest-lived corporate group: Lithic analysis reveals prehistoric social organization near Lillooet, British Columbia. American Antiquity 61: 341356. |
1996 | Hayden, Brian, Nora Franco, and Jim Spafford Evaluating lithic strategies and design criteria. In George Odell, (ed), Theory and behavior from stone tools. Plenum Publishing: New York. Pp. 949. |
1996 | Hayden, Brian, Gregory Reinhardt, Richard MacDonald, Dan Holmberg, and David Crellin Space per capita and the optimal size of housepits. In, Gary Coupland and E. Banning (ed), People who lived in big houses: Archaeological perspectives on large domestic structures. Prehistory Press: Madison, Wisconsin. Pp. 151164. |
1996 | Lepofsky, Dana, Karla Kusmer, Brian Hayden, and Ken Lertzman Reconstructing prehistoric socioeconomies from paleoethnobotanical and zooarchaeological data: An example from the British Columbia Plateau. In Journal of Ethnobiology 16(1): 3162. |
1995 | Hayden, Brian The emergence of prestige technologies and pottery. In William Barnett, and John Hoopes (eds), The emergence of pottery. Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington, DC Pp. 257266. |
1995 | Hayden, Brian A new overview of domestication. In T. Douglas Price and A. Gebauer (editors), Last hunters first farmers: New perspectives on the prehistoric transition to agriculture. School of American Research Press: Santa Fe, New Mexico. Pp. 273299. |
1995 | Hayden, Brian Pathways to power: Principles for creating socioeconomic inequalities. In T.D. Price and G. Feinman, Foundation of social inequality. Plenum: New York. Pp. 1585. |
1995 | Peterson, Philip, F. David Fracchia, and Brian Hayden Integrating spatial data display with virtual reconstruction. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Computer Graphics and Applications. 15 (4): 406. |
1995 | Peterson, Philip, F. David Fracchia and Brian Hayden A virtual computer imaging technique for archaeological research. Society for American Archaeology Bulletin 13(4): 3033. |
1994 | Hayden, Brian Village approaches to complex societies. In Glenn Schwartz and Steven Falconer (eds), Archaeological views from the countryside: Village communities in early complex societies. Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington, DC. Pp. 198206. |
1994 | Hayden, Brian Competition, labor, and complex hunter-gatherers. In Ernest Burch, Jr. and Linda Ellanna (eds), Key issues in hunter-gatherer research. Berg Publications: Oxford. Pp. 223239. |
1994 | Peterson, Philip, B. Hayden, and F. Fracchia Case study: Integrating spatial data display with virtual reconstruction. Proceedings of Visualization 94. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Computer Society Press: Los Alamitos, California. Pp. 359362. |
1993 | Hayden, Brian Investigating status with hideworking use-wear: a preliminary assessment. In P. Anderson, S. Beyries, M. Otte, and H. Plisson (Eds.), Traces et fonction: les gestes retrouv癡s. (Etudes et Recherches Archaeologiques de lUniversite de Liege No. 50. Pp. 119130. |
1993 | Hayden, B., D. Nelson, and Jean Cataliotti-Valdina Dating the Cassis rufa shell from the Mousterian levels of the Grotte du Prince, Monaco. Antiquity 67: 60912 |
1993 | Hayden, B., and Jim Spafford The Keatley Creek site and corporate group archaeology. B.C. Studies 99:106139. |
1993 | Hayden, Brian The cultural capacities of Neandertals: a review and re-evaluation. Journal of Human Evolution 24:113146. |
1992 | Hayden, Brian Introduction: Ecology and culture. In, B. Hayden (editor), A complex culture of the British Columbia Plateau: Stlatlimx resource use. University of British Columbia Press: Vancouver. Pp. 346. |
1992 | Hayden, Brian Ecology and complex hunter/gatherers. In B. Hayden (editor), A complex culture of the British Columbia Plateau, Pp. 52563. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. |
1992 | Hayden, Brian Ecology and complex hunter/gatherers. In B. Hayden (editor), A complex culture of the British Columbia Plateau, Pp. 52563. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. |
1992 | Hayden, Brian Models of domestication. In, Anne B. Gebauer and T.D. Price, Transitions to agriculture in prehistory. Prehistory Press: Madison, Wisconsin. Pp. 1119. |
1992 | Hayden, Brian Observing prehistoric women. In Cheryl Claassen (editor), Exploring gender through archaeology. Prehistory Press: Madison, Wisconsin. Pp. 3348. |
1991 | Hayden, B., and Rob Gargett Site, structure, kinship, and sharing in Aboriginal Australia: Implications for archaeology. In, Ellen Kroll and Douglas Price (editors), The interpretation of archaeological spatial patterning. Plenum Press: New York. Pp. 1132 |
1991 | Hayden, B., and June Ryder Prehistoric cultural collapse in the Lillooet area. American Antiquity 56: 5065 |
1990 | Hayden, B., and Rob Gargett Big man, big heart?: A Mesoamerican view of the emergence of complex society. Ancient Mesoamerica 1: 320 |
1990 | Hayden, Brian The right rub: hide working in high ranking households. In Bo Graslund (ed), The interpretative possibilities of microwear studies. Aun 14. Pp. 89102. Societas Archaeologica Upsaliensis: Uppsala. |
1990 | Hayden, Brian Nimrods, piscators, pluckers and planters: The emergence of food production. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 9: 3169 |
1989 | (Published in 1990) Hayden, B., and Michael Deal Vitreous materials used by the contemporary Maya. In Margarita Gaxiola and John Clark (Eds.), La obsidiana en Mesoamerica. Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia: Mexico, DF pp. 435441. |
1989 | Brian Hayden and R. Gargett Specialization in the Paleolithic. Lithic Technology. 17(1):1218. |
1989 | Hayden, Brian From chopper to celt: The evolution of resharpening techniques. In Robin Torrence, (Ed.), Time, energy and stone tools. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. pp.716. |
1989 | Hayden, B., and W. Karl Hutchings Whither the billet flake? In D. Amick and R. Mauldin (Eds). Experiments in Lithic Technology. BAR International Series 528: Oxford. pp. 235257. |
1988 | Hayden, Brian Some essential considerations in interaction interpretation. In, Thomas Lee, Jr. and Brian Hayden (Eds.), Ethnoarchaeology among the Highland Maya of Chiapas, Mexico. Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation, No. 56, pp. 9198. |
1987 | Hayden, Brian From chopper to celt: The evolution of resharpening techniques. Lithic Technology 16: 3343. |
1987 | THayden, Brian Introduction. In Brian Hayden (Ed.) Lithic studies among the contemporary Highland Maya. University of Arizona Press: Tucson. pp. 17. |
1987 | Hayden, Brian Traditional metate manufacturing in Guatemala. using chipped stone tools. In Brian Hayden (Ed.), Lithic studies among the contemporary Highland Maya. University of Arizona Press: Tucson. pp. 8119. |
1987 | Hayden, Brian Past to present uses of stone tools and their effects on assemblage characteristics in the Maya Highland. In Brian Hayden (Ed.), Lithic studies among the contemporary Highland Maya. University of Arizona Press: Tucson. pp. 160234. |
1987 | Hayden, Brian Alliances and ritual ecstasy: Human responses to resource stress. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 26:8191. |
1987 | Hayden, Brian, Brian Chisholm, and Henry Schwarcz Fishing and foraging: marine resources in the Upper Paleolithic of France. In O. Soffer (Ed.). The Pleistocene Old World. Plenum Publishers: N.Y. pp. 279291. |
1987 | Dean, Michael and Brian Hayden The persistence of Pre-Columbian lithic technology in the form of glassworking. In Brian Hayden (Ed.). Lithic studies among the contemporary Highland Maya. University of Arizona Press: Tucson. Pp. 235331. |
1986 | Hayden, Brian Resource models of inter-assemblage variability. Lithic Technology 15: 8289. |
1986 | Hayden, Brian Old Europe: Sacred matriarchy or complementary opposition? In A. Bonanno (Ed.), Archaeology and fertility cult in the ancient Mediterranean. B.R. Gruner Publishing: Amsterdam. pp. 1730. |
1986 | Hayden, Brian Resources, rivalry, and reproduction: The influence of basic resource characteristics on reproductive behavior. In Penn Handwerker (Ed.), Culture and reproduction, Westview Press: Boulder. Pp. 176195. |
1986 | Hayden, Brian, Michael Deal, Aubrey Cannon, and Joanna Casey Ecological determinants of womens status among hunter/gatherers. Human Evolution 1: 449473. |
1985 | Hayden, Brian, Morley Eldridge, Anne Eldridge and Aubrey Cannon Complex hunter-gatherers in interior British Columbia. In T. Douglas Price and James Brown (eds), Prehistoric hunter/gatherers. Academic Press: New York. Pp. 181199. |
1985 | Dobkin de Rios, Marlene, and Brian Hayden Odorous differentiation and variability in the sexual division of labor among hunter/gatherers. Journal of Human Evolution 14 pp. 219228. |
1984 | Brian Hayden and A. Cannon Interaction inferences in archaeology and learning frameworks of the Maya. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 3:325367. |
1984 | Hayden, Brian Are emic types relevant to archaeology? Ethnohistory 29(4) |
1984 | Spurling, Brian and Brian Hayden Ethnoarchaeology and intrasite spatial analysis: a case study from the Australian Western Desert. In Harold Hietala (ed.), Intrasite spatial analysis in archaeology. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. Pp. 224241. |
1983 | Hayden, Brian Social characteristics of early Austronesian colonizers. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 4:123134. |
1983 | Hayden, Brian and Aubrey Cannon Where the garbage goes: refuse disposal in the Maya Highlands. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 2: 117163. |
1982 | Hayden, Brian Recognizing intact Iroquoian domestic refuse: The Draper case. Ontario Archaeology 38:4750. |
1982 | Brian Hayden and A. Cannon The corporate group as an archaeological unit. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 1:13258. |
1982 | Hayden, Brian Interaction parameters and the demise of PaleoIndian craftsmanship. Plains Anthropologist 27:109123. |
1980 | Hayden, Brian Confusion in the bipolar world: bashed pebbles vs. splintered pieces. Lithic Technology 9 (1): 207. |
1979 | Hayden, B., and Johan Kamminga An introduction to use-wear: the first CLUW. In B. Hayden (ed) Lithic use-wear analysis. London: Academic press. pp: 113. |
1979 | Hayden, Brian Snap, shatter, and superfracture: use-wear of stone skin scrapers. In B. Hayden (ed) Lithic use-wear analysis. London: Academic press. pp: 207229. |
1979 | Hayden, B. |
1979 | Hayden, B. Summary and conclusions of Draper and White Site excavations. In B. Hayden (Ed.), Settlement Patterns of the Draper and White Sites: 1973 Excavations. Archaeology Press, Archaeology Department, 間眅埶AV: Burnaby. Pp. 181185. |
1978 | Hayden, Brian Bigger is better?: Factors determining Ontario Iroquois site sizes. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 捧棗.2:107116. |
1978 | Hayden, Brian A general diffusion model. In: Philip Duke (ed.), Diffusion and migration. Archaeological Association, University of Calgary, Calgary, pp. 106124. |
1977 | Hayden, Brian "Corporate groups and the Late Ontario Iroquoian longhouse. Ontario Archaeology. 28:316. |
1977 | Hayden, Brian Sticks and stones: The South-east Asian Upper Paleolithic? In: J. Golson, R. Jones and J. Allen (eds.), Sunda and sahul. Academic Press: New York. Pp. 73109. |
1977 | Hayden, Brian Stone tool functions in the Western Desert. In R.V.S. Wright (ed.), Stone tools as cultural markers. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies: Canberra. Pp. 178188. |
1976 | Hayden, Brian Curation: old and new. In: J.S. Raymond et al (eds.), Primitive art and technology. University of Calgary Archaeological Association. Calgary, pp. 4759. |
1975 | Hayden, Brian Dingoes: pets or producers? Mankind 10:1115. |
1975 | Hayden, B., and J. Kamminga Gould, Koster, and Sontz on microwear: a critical review. Bobbs-Merrill Reprint Series A-495. |
1975 | Hayden, Brian The carrying capacity dilemma.In: Alan Swedlund (ed.), Population studies in archaeology and biological anthropology. Society for American Archaeology, Memoir 30: 1121. |
1973 | Hayden, Brian Analysis of a taap composite knife. Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania 8:116126. |
1972 | Hayden, Brian Population control among hunter/gatherers. World Archaeology 4: 205221. |
1970 | Terje Birkedal and B. Hayden Wholeplace village: 42UN57. In David Breternitz (editor), Archaeological excavations in Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado-Utah, 19641965. University of Colorado Series in Anthropology 17:1029. |