
Cara Tremain

Assistant Professor

Areas of interest

Museums, The Antiquities Market, Looting, Digital Technologies for Heritage, Fakes and Forgeries, Mesoamerica


  • PhD, Archaeology, University of Calgary
  • MA, Anthropology, Trent University
  • BA (Hons), Archaeology, University College London


My research interests are primarily related to ethical and legal aspects of the antiquities market, including the looting of archaeological sites, auction house sales, provenance of museum collections, and production of fakes and forgeries. 

I am also interested in digital technologies for the study of, and engagement with, heritage. This includes the use of AR, VR, 3D scanning, and 3D printing. 

My background is in Mesoamerican (specifically Maya) archaeology, and most of my fieldwork has been in Belize. I also have a background of academic and professional work experience in various museums in the UK and North America. 



Future courses may be subject to change.