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Chapter 5 – Georges Vanier Elementary School, Surrey, BC

is a public school in Surrey, BC, that aims to achieve the following goal: “How does intentionally weaving SEL competencies (Positive Personal and Cultural Identity, Personal Awareness and Responsibility, and Social Responsibility) into daily practice help students actively engage in a thoughtful, collaborative and diverse learning community?”

Submission from Division 6.

Figure 5.0.1.

Under the guidance of their teacher Mr. Jason Lapenskie, students created the story entitled “Small Number at the Mall”.

Small Number at the Mall

Small Number is a boy who lives with his mom and his sister Perfect Number.

Small Number is a curious boy and likes to get into mischief. One day he is at the skatepark with his friend Big Circle. They are jumping off the ramp when Small Number falls off his board and crashes. His skateboard has a big chunk taken out of it. And worse, he ripped the elbow out of his hoodie he was wearing.

Small Number is upset. He really liked this hoodie. Just then, his sister, Perfect Number drives by and asks if they want to go to the mall. Small Number wants a new hoodie and his shoes have been a little run down. There are new Nikes that are out, that he really wants.

“Sure!” he says. He invites Big Circle to come along. They throw their skateboards in the trunk.

“Perfect Number. I didn?t bring my money. Can we go home so I can get it?”

“OK.” She says.

Small Number and Perfect Number run in the house. His mom sees him and asks what he is doing.

“Getting my money so I can go to the mall with Perfect Number and Big Circle.”

“You should be at the river helping your elders catch salmon.”

Small Number is worried his mom will be upset about the hoodie. So he doesn't mention it. “Can I go after I go to the mall?”

“OK. But don't spend more than $50 on any piece of clothing.”

Small Number agrees.

Perfect Number is getting upset that the trip to the mall is getting delayed.

“Let's go!” she says.

At the mall, he is in a store and he sees the Nike shoes he wants and a hoodie with a Raven on it that he also likes. He has $200. But he wants to save $50 for a new skateboard he is saving up to buy. Perfect Number reminds him that his mom warned him not to spend more than $50 on any piece of clothing.

He takes the shoes and the hoodie to the cashier and asks how much the total would be. She tells him, $150. He looks at the prices on the hoodie and the shoes and notices the shoes are exactly $100 more than the hoodie.

He makes the purchase and he, Big Circle and Perfect Number leave the mall to meet their elders who are catching salmon at the river.

Question: What was the cost of the hoodie and the shoes?

Figure 5.0.2. A screen shot taken during Georges Vanier School's presentation