

Oscar Alfonso & Carolina Krawczyk:

Roxanne Charles, Krystle Coughlin, Rachelle Tjahyana | First iteration of proposal with Jacky Lo, ByeongSung Lee:

Jessica Chu, Michelle Gougani, Nico Yu:

Josie Dawson, Phoebe Huang, Lori Lai | First iteration of proposal with Elly Habibullah:

Stephanie Gagne:

Carli Howden, Andi Icaza, and Sophie Vandenbiggelaar | First iteration of proposal with Trevor Bonas:

Emily Marston | First iteration of proposal with Joni Cheung, Taylor McGibbon, Fábio de Miranda, June Yeo:

Class project with Oscar Alfonso, Trevor Bonas, Roxanne Charles, Joni Cheung, Jessica Chu, Fabio Miranda,Krystle Coughlin, Stephanie Gagne, Michelle Gougani, Elly Habibullah, Carli Howden, Phoebe Huang, Andi Icaza, Lori Lai, ByeongSung Lee, Jacky Lo, Emily Marston, Taylor McGibbon, Rachelle Tjahyana, Sophie Vandenbiggelaar, June Yeo, Nico Yu: