
Images at campus indoor events


Assume university indoor property is private property, even though the public may access some buildings and sites.

"Reasonable expectation of privacy" (Privacy Act) must be supported at an indoor event on private property, unless: (1) informed by owner of property that photos will be taken; or (2) person (subject) is not recognizable in image.
Note: some indoor spaces, like hallways, may or may not be considered public, so err on the side of caution.

Kinds of consent

  • Model Release Forms are not specifically required at indoor events. Note that options to publish are limited if form is not used. Advisable to seek written consent if intending to use images of identifiable subjects for projects not related to the indoor event.
  • Email notification to attendees. Be sure to include details: who, what, where, when, and how images will be taken and used.
  • Photography signage. Advise attendees beforehand and at the event that filming/photography will take place and how the images will be used.
  • Announcement at event. Be sure to advise attendees why photos are being taken and where they'll be posted. Encourage those who do not wish to have their image captured to tell the photographer/videographer.
  • On camera consent. When interviewing a person on camera and consent has not previously been obtained, ask for the person's full name while camera is in operation. Retain information.
  • Advance permission/confirmation for the photographer/videographer to set up at indoor venue. This avoids misunderstanding or delay for the camera person, organizer(s) and attendee(s).

Options to publish

If a model release form is obtained (written consent) in respect of an identifiable person at an indoor event, the image may be reproduced in unlimited work-related uses and duration (e.g., print formats and/or digital posting to websites, including social media).

If permission was granted to photograph or film at an indoor location by general notice, such as a "photography allowed" sign or an email notification, we recommend publishing images only in event-related publications. Avoid using in any other context.

If consent has not been obtained and a person's image has been captured accidentally, blur the face so that the person is not recognizable.

Copyright prohibits publishing (both print and digital) of an original work (such as a photograph) not created by you without consent of the owner/originator. See Images of Campus Indoor Objects for restrictions on capturing images of artwork that may be present at events (e.g., paintings, sculptures).

References and forms

間眅埶AV Privacy Policy

間眅埶AV Model Release form 

Indoor events include:

Carnivals, celebrations, ceremonies, formals/galas, meetings, receptions, student residences (including move-in/move-out inside buildings, dining hall, sales, special events, workshops.