
Images taken outdoors by drones

Capturing aerial footage — with or without people


In the absence of national or institutional policy or guidelines, the best practice is to assume the drone would be collecting information on private property and to post/notify when you are capturing/collecting images for a work-related project/event/game.

Kinds of consent

Photography signage/notification best practice (private and public events): Advise organizers and attendees beforehand and at event that drone filming will take place, how the images will be used, and by whom.

Note: Aerial footage taken from a distance where individuals are not recognizable would be an exception. However, please consider how comfortable an audience feels when a drone is present. Signage etiquette may be helpful.

Options to publish

If a "photography allowed" sign is the only method used to convey permission was granted to photograph or film on location at a private or public event, it’s prudent to only publish images in event-related publications. Avoid using in any other context. Keep images safe.

It is generally a good idea to avoid publishing an image of an identifiable person at one event in a non-related context without consent. Blur faces if publication is desirable and consent has not been obtained.

References and forms

No published national, provincial, or institutional policies/guidelines on the use of drones are available at this time.

Google Street View has adopted privacy policy by blurring faces/identifiable traits of people.


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