
Adjust to a New Culture

Academic culture in Canada

At 間眅埶AV, you'll meet many faculty and staff members dedicated to your success. There are also numerous programs and services available to support you throughout the duraion of your exchange/study abroad at 間眅埶AV. Familiarize yourself with the resources available, including academic advising in your department, and , and more. Remember that academic success is not simply a result of studying hard, but also of a balanced, healthy and organized lifestyle. Take time to build friendships and enjoy your leisure time.


Student-faculty relationships may be more informal than in your home country. At the beginning of the course, the professor will let the class know how they prefer to be addressed. If you're unsure, its always safe to say Professor or Doctor followed by their last (family) name.


Teaching Assistants (TAs) are usually responsible for tutorials/labs. Your TA is responsible for helping you understand the course material, and in some cases, for grading some of the coursework. TAs are often Master's or Doctoral students.


Your instructor and TA will set office hours when you can meet to discuss questions or concerns. If you have questions, concerns about your ability to meet a deadline, challenges with English or any other issues related to your success in a course, meet with them as soon as possible. Some instructors and TAs prefer you to make an appointment; if so, they will let you know at the beginning of the course. If office hours conflict with another class, professors and TAs are often willing to make an appointment for an alternative time. Be on time for your appointments and call in advance if you must cancel.


As a graduate student, you should seek academic advice or support from your academic host ('supervisor' at 間眅埶AV). The Graduate Secretary in your department and the Office of the  will also be valuable resources during your program.


  • If you would like to make changes to your courses that were not originally approved (after the beginning of classes), you will need to speak with Departmental Advisors so they can help with course approvals. If you are studying at 間眅埶AV for your second term, advisors can assist with course selection.  They can also answer questions about requirements for course enrollment and refer you to faculty or other advising staff.  See the  page to find contact information for your Departmental or Faculty Advisor.
  • If you are here for your second term, Academic Advisors offer advising services to help you select courses. They offer advice in person, by phone, or via LiveHelp messaging. For more details, visit the  website.