
Academic Information

What can you study at 間眅埶AV?

There are several places you can find 間眅埶AV course information depending on what you're looking for:

間眅埶AV Terminology

You may find that terminology at 間眅埶AV is different from what you are accustomed to. Hopefully this will help.

View 間眅埶AV Terminology >

This is a good place to start. See which , , and are available.

Search subject to see courses available at various levels of study. Some detailed "course outlines" will be available. Not all classes will be offered in all terms.

Check that courses of interest will be offered in the term you are coming to 間眅埶AV.

Visit go.sfu.ca -> Click on "Cousre Outlines" and search/browse.


Check > filter by "Semester, Subject, and Campus".

If you are planning 2-3+ months before the start of the term, check previous year for term offerings.

please note:

There are certain types of courses, offered in various disciplines, that are either restricted or require additional steps to access.

} View all restrictions and considerations

A commitment to academic integrity is a fundamental responsibility for all students who are part of the 間眅埶AV community. 

} View academic integrity expectations at 間眅埶AV

Course Enrolment

As part of your exchange/study abroad application to 間眅埶AV, you must list at least 8 courses you would like to be enrolled in during your first term at 間眅埶AV, under the "Course Access Requests" section. This gives you back-up options in case it is determined that you do not meet the pre-requisites for a class, there are timetable conflicts, or a class is cancelled. Please refer to the Course Enrollment Process in your Application Instruction email, along with the Course Access Requests Guide document located under Resources according to your intended level of study at 間眅埶AV (right hand). Please carefully review the Guide as failure to appropriately select courses may result in enrolling in a course for which you lack the necessary academic background, potentially impacting your academic performance and experience in the course.

Undergraduate Students: If you will be taking undergraduate courses at 間眅埶AV, you are eligible to take courses from within multiple departments as long as these courses are not , and you meet the pre-requisite requirements. Please also check with your home university about their requirements.

Graduate Students: If you will be taking graduate courses at 間眅埶AV, you will likely only be able to take courses from within one graduate department. While we will try to support course requests in additional departments for graduate students, please note that this is not guaranteed.  

Our office will enroll you in classes for your first term of exchange/study abroad approximately 2 months prior to the start of your exchange term. Please DO NOT try to enroll yourself in courses for your first term. More information about this process will be provided over email once you are admitted to 間眅埶AV for exchange/study abroad. Please note that we cannot guarantee access or enrollment to specific classes. Submitting the Course Access Requests in your application is not a guarantee that the course will be offered, nor that you will be enrolled in that course.

All students will be able to see their confirmed course schedule approximately 2 months prior to the start of your exchange term (assuming you had submitted your application and Course Access Requests to us on time). It is possible to change courses during the first week of the term, but it may be difficult as many courses and tutorials tend to be full.

Fall term applicants: please note you will likely need to pay your on-campus housing confirmation deposit before course enrollment starts.

Course Load

Undergraduate Level

Minimum enrollment for full-time status

9 units
(normally 3 classes)

Average enrollment at 間眅埶AV

12 units
(normally 3-4 classes)

Maximum enrollment, or "full course load"

15 units
(normally 4-5 classes)

Recommended enrollment* for exchange and study abroad students   

9-12 units
(normally 3-4 classes)   

Graduate Level

Minimum enrollment for full-time status

6 units
(normally 1-2 classes)   

Recommended enrollment for exchange and study abroad students   

6 units
(normally 1-2 classes)   

*Your home institution may require you to take a greater number of classes and/or units (credits) than we recommend. You must ensure that you are meeting your home institution's requirements in addition to those of 間眅埶AV while on your exchange/study abroad.