
GPA Calculator

The GPA Calculator will help you anticipate how many units or what GPA you need to achieve a desired CGPA. However, if you have a repeat of a course in your transcript, the GPA Calculator will not work. For assistance on recalculating your GPA with repeats, please see an Academic Advisor.

Learn about the standard grading system and see the numeric value of each letter grade or learn how to manually calculate your grade point average.

Please select a calculator mode:


Calculate your term GPA and CGPA based on your anticipated grades.

For current CGPA, log in at and download your transcript.
See Note 3, below, for the location of your total units attempted.

GPA estimate (Current Term):

Press "Calculate C/GPA"

CGPA estimate (All Terms):

Press "Calculate C/GPA"

Calculate the GPA you would need on your remaining units to reach your target CGPA.

For current CGPA, log in at and download your transcript.
See Note 3, below, for the location of your total units attempted.

You will need to maintain the following GPA for your remaining courses:

Press "Calculate required GPA"

Calculate the number of extra units you will need to reach a target CGPA.

For current CGPA, log in at and download your transcript.
See Note 3, below, for the location of your total units attempted.

To achieve your target CGPA:

Press "Calculate required units."


1. CGPA (cumulative grade point average): numerical average for all terms completed

2. Term GPA (term grade point average): numerical average for one term completed

3. For total units attempted, log in at and download your transcript. Total units attempted does not include units in progress; includes all units completed, including those given an F or N.

See the example at right for where to find your total units completed.

4. GPA Calculators are intended for use with 間眅埶AV grades and units only. Transfer students should be aware that some internal transfer GPAs are based on a set of specific courses that may require including (non-間眅埶AV) transfer courses into the GPA calculation. For more information, please book an appointment with an Academic Advisor at www.sfu.ca/students/academicadvising/contact_us.html.

5. Repeat/duplicate courses are NOT automatically factored into the GPA Calculators. For more information on how to calculate your GPA if you have repeated courses, please book an appointment with an Academic Advisor at www.sfu.ca/students/academicadvising/contact_us.html.

The green-circled area is your Total Units Attempted