


The Department of Sociology and Anthropology is home to scholars involved in a broad range of academic research, community engagement, and public advocacy across five main research areas: globalization and development; health, environment and science; knowledge, culture, and power; social justice, policy, law and society; and women, gender, and sexuality.

In addition to books, our faculty publish in well-regarded disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals, such as Cultural Anthropology, Space & Culture, Critical Social Policy, Journal of Family Issues, British Journal of Criminology, Journal of Agrarian Change, Studies in Social Justice, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Critique of Anthropology, Citizenship Studies, Body & Society, and the Canadian Journal of Sociology. Our faculty are regularly awarded research grants from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and other funding bodies. Faculty in the department also serve as editors of top journals, American Ethnologist (Drs. Michael Hathaway, and Stacy Pigg, co-Editors), Anthropology of Work Review (Dr. Kathleen Millar, co-Editor), Annals of the American Association of Geographers (Dr. Kendra Strauss, Human Geography Editor), and International Journal of Social Research Methodology (Dr. Jane Pulkingham, co-Editor).

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