

Graduate Studies Guide: Applications for Program Extension

Students who are not able to defend their theses within the time limit of their program (9 terms for MA students; 18 terms for PhD students) must request an Extension.

Applications for Extensions to the time limit for program completion are considered for research requirements that may include, but are not limited to:

  • organizing and conducting fieldwork and ethnographic research; 
  • negotiating and satisfying terms and conditions for collaborative and partnership research agreements; iii) negotiating and satisfying of ethical requirements; 
  • organizing travel and accommodation; 
  • acquiring necessary visa and immigration approvals; and 
  • other research and dissertation development requirements as determined by student in consultation with supervisory committees.

Students must discuss the request for an extension to the time limit with their supervisor and develop a timeline for completion. Extensions of 1 to 3 terms may be requested. The student should email the signed and completed form along with an unofficial transcript to the GPA (gradsecsa@sfu.ca) or Grad Chair in the term before the extension is requested.

The GPC assesses and grants or rejects the application for extension and will notify the student of their decision in writing, and then submits the request to Graduate Studies for final adjudication.

Please note: Extensions are not automatic. While a student may request and receive up to 6 terms of extension, the supervisory committee, the GPC, or Graduate and Postgraduate Studies may reject or shorten the length of a request for extension. Any student requesting a 6th extension term must submit a draft thesis prior to the end of the 5th extension term. The 6th term of extension is the LAST extension that will be approved.