

Karl Froschauer

Associate Professor of Sociology, retired
Sociology & Anthropology


Dr. Karl Froschauer, Associate Professor of Sociology, received his MA in sociology from the University of British Columbia and his PhD from Carleton University. Dr. Froschauer specializes in Canadian society, political economy, natural resource development, and immigrant entrepreneurship.

He has authored and co-authored articles on East Asian and European immigrant entrepreneurship in British Columbia, on immigrant entrepreneurs in France and Canada, and on the recent migration of the new self-employed immigrant Dutch farmers to Ontario and Alberta. These papers focus on comparative models of immigrant business; the Asianizaton of immigration; the postindustrial embeddedness of business immigrants; and entrepreneurs' accumulation strategies to gain cultural, economic, and social capital. His current research examines the role of the new immigrants in the new economy and their Vancouver and Calgary networks that extend across the Pacific.

Dr. Froschauer’s interdisciplinary analysis of Canada include co-authoring the text The Canadian Intellectual Tradition (Centre for Distance Education, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, 2004) as well as co-editing the book In/Security: Canada in the Post-9/11 World, and the conference proceedings Convergence and Divergence in North America: Canada and the United States.

As part of his research on hydroelectric resources, he wrote White Gold: Hydroelectric Development in Canada, and he has authored and co-authored articles on Niagara Falls Privatization Reversal, Canada's failed national electricity network, and regional electricity sector integration comparisons in the NAFTA, the EU, and the Merocosur regions as well as case studies comparing supranational and national influences over the electricity sectors in Canada, France, and Germany.

Areas of Interest

New immigrants in the new economy; interdisciplinary analysis of Canada; new Canadian political economy; international electricity sector analysis; and natural resource development.

Select Publications


  • Convergence and Divergence in North America - Canada and the United States
    Edited by Karl Froschauer, Nadine Fabbi, and Susan Pel. ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Centre for Canadian Studies Publications, 2006
  • In/Security - Canada in the Post 9/11 World 
    Edited by Alexander Netherton, Allen Seager, and Karl Froschauer. ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Centre for Canadian Studies Publications, 2005
  • The Canadian Intellectual Tradition 
    (Published in conjunction with ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's Centre for Canadian Studies Publications and the Centre for Online and Distance Education, 2004) by Karl Froschauer and Peyman Vahabzadeh
  • White Gold: Hydroelectric Development in Canada
    Vancouver UBC Press, 1999

Awards & Funding

Dr. Froschauer’s research and publications have been supported by funds from:

  • SSHRC - Immigrant Entrepreneurs' & Skilled Workers' Initiative in Vancouver and Calgary's New Economy
    Principal Investigator: Lloyd Wong, Sociology (University of Calgary)
    2004 -2007
  • Humanities and Social Science Federation of Canada.
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
  • ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Presidential Research Grant.
  • European Commission under the Targeted Socio-Economic Research Program.
  • International Council of Canadian Studies