

Mariah Stafford

B.A. - minor in Sociology, minor in Criminology & extended minor in Communication


How did you decide to pursue a degree in SA? What interested you most about it?
I’ve always enjoyed working with people, and I knew I wanted to study something that related to this. After taking SA 150 (Introduction to Sociology), I knew I wanted a portion of my degree to be in this field! It was SA 250 (Introduction to Sociological Theory) with Dr. Lindsey Freeman that solidified this for me - I found it fascinating to learn about various schools of historic sociological thought and discover how these concepts can be utilized today. 

What was your favourite SA course? Why?
I enjoyed each SA course I took, so choosing a favourite is difficult! One of the most impactful courses I took was SA 321 (Social Movements) with Dr. Ataman Avdan. I’ve always been fascinated by the way social, political, and economic systems interact and function, and this course provided insight into the way that sociological theories can help to explain how collective action can influence societal change. In this course, I gave a presentation on social media activism and I wrote a research paper on the impacts of news media’s framing of social movements - I also liked how I was able to combine my knowledge from different disciplines within this Sociology course! 

What’s something you’re proud of accomplishing during your time at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV?
I’m really proud of my involvement within the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV community, both the larger FASS community (through the FASS Connections Peer Mentorship Program and HIVE Program) and within the Sociology & Anthropology community (through the Sociology and Anthropology Student Union (SASU)). I joined SASU at the start of the pandemic and having a sense of community among peers during such a difficult time was really impactful for me. Ultimately, I served in a variety of positions for SASU (including President & Vice President) and I am extremely proud of the work that the SASU team accomplished (and continues to accomplish!).

What are your plans post grad/what are you up to now?
After graduating from ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, I am looking forward to taking a few weeks to relax this summer before beginning a Master of Public Administration degree this September. I have had the opportunity, initially through Co-op, to work for the Government of Canada for the past 18 months supporting the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and I am looking forward to learning more about public policy and administration at a graduate level!

I would encourage any students who are considering taking a Sociology or Anthropology course to go for it! SA courses focus on issues that are incredibly relevant to everyone’s lives. The breadth of knowledge you will gain from taking an SA course is extraordinary and will support you in any career path!