News and Events

Monthly Highlights – June to July 2023

August 16, 2023

A monthly summary of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology’s most recent news, events, and announcements!

Media Mentions:
Dr. Travers discuss the usage of bike lanes in B.C. with & . They also made a comment on how LGBTQ+ rights are fought in Manitoba’s rural communities. Click to read the news item.


Dr. Kyle Willmott recently published a research paper: “Colonial Numbers: Quantification, Indigeneity, and the Politics of Fiscal Surveillance.” Available to read .

Dr. Parin Dossa, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, has published a book titled “The Circle Unfolds: Envisioning Social Justice from the Margins.” Purchase a paperback copy .


Dr. Kendra Strauss, a Professor of Labour Studies Program & Sociology and Anthropology, has been recognized as one of the 2023 Distinguished ԰AV Professors. Learn more about her and other selected professors here.

Mariana Pinzon-Caicedo, an MA candidate in Sociology, has been awarded the Congress Student Merit Award and the Best Student Paper Award for 2023 in the Criminology and Law research cluster for her paper entitled  Read the news item here.

Sociology alumnus, Julia Marie Lunot and Ty Bryant, are the recipients of 2023 Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) Outstanding Graduating Student Award. Read more about them here.

In the June 2023 Convocation, the Department of Sociology and Anthropology presented five awards to 4 passionate and dedicated SA graduates – Jorge Andrade Morales (Usamah Ansari Top Student Award & Outstanding Sociology Graduand Award); Gabriel Jamieson (Outstanding Anthropology Graduand Award); Regina Baeza Martinez (Outstanding Honours Thesis Award); and Jericho Catungal (Outstanding Sociology/Anthropology Graduand Award). Learn more about these graduates here.
