

Outlook for PC

This section provides instructions on how to set up and use the Send on Behalf Of feature in the Outlook 2016 for PC desktop application.
Note that delegation permissions can only be set up in the Outlook desktop applications. 

Sharing & Delegation

Delegating Your Account (Send on Behalf Of)

Note: this cannot be configured in the Outlook Web App.

Outlook for PC

1. To grant someone permission to send on behalf of you, click File > Account Settings > Delegate Access

2. Click ´¡»å»å…

3. This will open another window containing the Global Address List (GAL). Choose the user you would like to give permission to from the address book. Click ‘Add->’ at the bottom of the window, then press OK.

5. A ‘Delegate Permissions’ window will appear. Set all permissions to ‘None’ and check the box that says ‘Automatically send a message to delegate summarizing these permissions’. Click OK.

6. The user will now appear in your list of delegates. Click OK to close the delegates window.

Managing Someone Else's Account as a Delegate

1. If someone has granted you delegate access to their account (following the steps outlined above), you will then have the ability to Send on Behalf Of them. To do so, begin composing a message as normal. You will notice that the From button is a drop-down menu.

2. When you click the From drop-down, you will now see both your own email address and the address of the user you are able to send on behalf of. When you select their name, you will then be sending the message on behalf of them.

Delegating Your Calendar

1. Refer to the Sharing Calendars page for step-by-step instructions on how to share your calendar and grant Delegate permissions. When you grant someone delegate permissions on your calendar, they will be able to perform all the same actions as you can, and they will receive all meeting invitations and updates for your calendar.