
Two SEE researchers are recipients of the CFI's John R. Evans Leaders Fund

August 29, 2023

SEE professors Vahid Hosseini and Vincenzo Pecunia are recipients of this year's Canadian Foundation for Innovation's John R. Evans Leaders Fund (CFI's JELF). CFI’s JELF was created to help institutions recruit and retain outstanding researchers. The funding will help enable innovation by providing researchers with the tools needed to drive cutting-edge research.

Recipients of the CFI’s JELF:

Vahid Hosseini, Associate Professor, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering
Project title: Studying Alternative Transportation Decarbonization Pathways in Canadian Climate 
CFI’s contribution: $100,000

Vincenzo Pecunia, Associate Professor, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering
Project title: Printable Green Semiconductors for Eco-Friendly Self-Powered Smart Sensors
CFI’s contribution: $100,000