
Vahid Hosseini, P.Eng.

Associate Professor, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering
Graduate Program Chair, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering


Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, 2008

M.A.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 2000

B.Eng., Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1998


Industrial and research interests

  • Analysis of thermo-fluid systems for clean mobility
  • Urban air pollution and emission inventory
  • Sustainable and clean urban transportation
  • Vehicle technologies and real-world driving emissions

Teaching interests

  • Thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer
  • Mechanical measurement
  • Air pollution control engineering


Recently taught courses

  • Applied Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics


Selected recent publications

For a comprehensive list of contributions, refer to Google Scholar . Names with (*) are my students.


  • Lotfollahzade Moghaddam, A., Hamzehlouyan, T., Hosseini, V., Mayer, A. "The beneficial role of oxygen on CO and propylene oxidation over a Pt-Pd-based wiremesh catalyst as a retrofit emission control device for 4-stroke gasoline spark-ignited motorcycles", Energy & Fuels, 35 (12).
  • Hassani* A, Safavi* A, Hosseini, V., A comparison of light-duty vehicles' high emitters fractions obtained from an emission remote sensing campaign and emission inspection program for policy recommendation, Environmental Pollution, , 117396.
  • Esmaeilirad*, S., Setyan, A., Wang, J., Hosseini, V., Secondary organic aerosol formation from untreated exhaust of gasoline four-stroke motorcycles. Urban Climate, 36: 100778.
  • Shahbazi*, H., Mostafazade A., A., Salavati, H., Zandavi, R., Torbatian, S., Yazgi, D., Hosseini, V., Development of high-resolution emission inventory to study the relative contribution of a local power plant to criteria air pollutants and Greenhouse gases, Urban Climate, 38, 100897.


  • Moradpour* M. Hosseini, V., An investigation into the effects of green space on air quality of an urban area using CFD modelling, Urban Climate, 34, 100686.
  • Yasar M., Lai A.M., de Foy B., Schauer J.J., Arhami, M., Hosseini, V., Chemical speciation of PM2.5 in Tehran: Quantification of dust contribution and model validation, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11 (10), 1839-1846.
  • Shahbazi*., H., Hosseini, V., Impact of mobile source emission inventory adjustment on air pollution photochemical model performance, Urban Climate, 32, 100618.
  • Torbatian, S., Hoshyaripour, A.,  Shahbazi*., H., Hosseini, V., Air pollution trends in Tehran and their anthropogenic drivers,  Atmospheric Pollution Research 11 (3), 429-442.
  • Esmaeilirad*, S., Lai, A., Abbaszade, G., Schnelle-Kreis, J., Zimmermann, R.,Uzu, G., Daellenbach, K., Canonaco, F., Hassankhany, H., Arhami, M., Baltensperger, U., Pr矇v繫t, A., Schauer, J., Jaffrezo, J.-L., Hosseini, V.,  El Haddad, I., Source Apportionment of Fine Particulate Matter in a Middle Eastern Metropolis, Tehran-Iran, Using PMF with Organic and Inorganic Markers, Science of Total Environment, 705, 135330.


  • Amini*, H., Trang, N.N.T., Schindler, C., H., Yunesian, M., Hosseini, V., Shamsipour, M., Mohammadi, Y., Farzadfar, F., Vicedo Cabrera, A.N., Schwartz, J., Henderson, S., K羹nzli N., Short-term associations between daily mortality and ambient particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, and the air quality index in a Middle Eastern megacity, Environmental Pollution, 254, Part B, 113121.
  • Taheri A., Aliasghari*, P. Hosseini, V., Black carbon and PM2.5 monitoring campaign on the roadside and residential urban background sites in the City of Tehran, Atmospheric Environment, 218, 116298.
  • Shahbazi*, H., Hosseini, V., Torbatian, S., Hamedi, S., Assessment of emission reduction scenarios with a focus on the impact of vehicle fleets on Tehran air quality: case study, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2673(5), 197-207.
  • Shahbazi*, H., Hasani*, A., Hosseini, V., Evaluation of Tehran clean air action plan using emission inventory approach, Urban Climate, 27. 446-456.
  • Al Hanai, A.H.,  Antkiewicz, D.S.,  Hemming, J.D.C.,  Shafer, M.M.,  Lai, A.M.,  Arhami, M.,  Hosseini, V.,  Schauer, J.J., Seasonal variations in the oxidative stress and inflammatory potential of PM2.5 in Tehran using an alveolar macrophage model; The role of chemical composition and sources, Atmospheric International, 123, 417-427.