
Scottish Voices from the West

The purpose of the Research Centre's oral history project, "Scottish Voices from the West", is to build a resource for the study of the Scots in British Columbia of whom little has been written despite their disproportionate influence on the province. The interviews contain valuable material that provides information on the stories of Scots who came to British Columbia. Many of the interviews also shed light on how immigrant populations create memories of their land of origin while negotiating their way in a new environment. The project is an example of "public history": history written by the people who lived it.

The "Scottish Voices from the West" Oral History Project is currently available . The project is continually updated, so check back often.

"Scottish Voices from the West" has proceeded in two stages:

Phase 1

From 2003-2004, then Co-ordinator of Scottish Studies, Harry McGrath, and community members Ron and Eileen Sutherland embarked on a project of interviewing Scottish immigrants to British Columbia and individuals whose families emigrated to B.C. from Scotland some time ago. They collected interviews on cassette tapes.

Phase 2

In 2010, the Research Centre for Scottish Studies obtained a grant from  to digitize these interviews. When this process is complete, the interviews will be eventually form part of the Library's .

Community volunteers Cilla Bachop, Rex Davidson, and Ron Sutherland are currently conducting a new series of interviews. These are "born digital."