

Andréanne Doyon | A Sustainable Housing Future

Climate + Environment, PFL 2023-2024, President's Faculty Lectures, Education + Research, Cities, 2024, Make a Difference for B.C., Engage in Global Challenges

After decades of fragmented and limited action, we are experiencing a climate emergency. Cities and the built environment, which includes housing, are a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, as well as wider environmental impacts and social inequities.  

This lecture explored the role sustainable housing must play in the creation of a more livable and resilient future. While not common, we can deliver sustainable housing right now. There are multiple examples of innovative new sustainable housing and retrofits of existing housing. What we need is a sustainable housing transition. We need policy makers, the construction industry, and individual households to demand more of our housing.  

This lecture aimed to inspire people to demand more from their housing and cities, as well as provide concrete examples and pathways to support this transition. Thank you to all who joined!

-Dr. Andr矇anne Doyon

Tue, 23 Jan 2024

In-Person and Online Event

This event was held at the 間眅埶AV Surrey campus

The President's Faculty Lectures

The Presidents Faculty Lectures shine a light on the research excellence at 間眅埶AV. Hosted by 間眅埶AV President Joy Johnson, these free public lectures celebrate cutting-edge research and researchers that engage with communities and mobilize knowledge to make real-world impacts.

The theme of this years lectures is Making a Difference for B.C. Approaching this theme from a variety of disciplines, each short lecture will be followed by a conversation with Joy Johnson and an audience Q&A session.  

Save the date for more upcoming President's Faculty Lectures!

  • February 13, 2024: Victoria E. Thomas Assistant Professor, School of Communication
  • March 12, 2024: Wenona Hall Associate Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies
  • April 30, 2024: Bohdan Nosyk - Professor, St. Paul's Hospital CANFAR Chair in HIV/AIDS Research, Faculty of Health Sciences

Andr矇anne Doyon

Dr. Andr矇anne Doyon is an Assistant Professor and the Director of the Planning Program in the School of Resource and Environmental Management (REM) at 間眅埶AV (間眅埶AV). Her current research fits within the fields of governance and planning, and sustainability transitions (socio-technical) and transformations (socio-ecological). She explores systems and methods that enable, or are barriers to, change, and seeks to advance planning, equity, and climate change responses through her work. Andr矇anne is a trustee of the Fuel Poverty Research Network, a steering committee member of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities Sustainable City and Landscape Hub, and a member of the Women and Inclusivity Sustainable Energy Research network.   


Past President's Faculty Lectures