

Jeremy Stone | The Hidden Gifts of Retail: Resilience and Planning for Community Life

2021, Education + Research, Community Building, PFL 2020-2021, President's Faculty Lectures

During the pandemic, businesses like grocery stores, liquor stores and pharmacies were all deemed essential, but the vast majority of storefront retail experienced direct closures and diverted shopping to Amazon. Even when retail was put into the category of businesses we need to save, it was usually in terms of jobs and income, while ignoring the functions that retail businesses provide in our community.

In this talk, Jeremy Stone explored the critical and often hidden roles that retail businesses play in our lives, highlighting how they are nodes of knowledge-sharing, social capital creation, innovation, and community support.

He also described his teams ongoing work in economic resilience planning with municipalities, and how community engagement can identify and support this important fabric of our economy.

Tue, 19 Jan 2021

Online Event

The President's Faculty Lecture Series

The Presidents Faculty Lectures shine a light on the research excellence at 間眅埶AV. Hosted by the 間眅埶AV president, these free public lectures celebrate cutting-edge research and faculty that engage with communities and mobilize knowledge to make real-world impacts.

Jeremy Stone

Jeremy Stone is the in 間眅埶AVs Faculty of Environment. He has 20 years of experience in economic development and resilience, working on various disaster recoveries including Hurricane Katrina, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and business disruption in Lower Manhattan after 9/11. Jeremy received an MPA from New York University, and a BA in Anthropology from Reed College, where he studied the effect of cargo cults on economic development in the South Pacific. He is completing a Ph.D. in Community Planning at UBC, where his research is focused on retail and housing gentrification after disasters.

Event Summary

A Summary of The Hidden Gifts of Retail with Jeremy Stone

By Kim Regala, Communications & Marketing Assistant, 間眅埶AV Public Square

A sense of virtual togetherness was easily felt at the Hidden Gifts of Retail: Resilience and Planning for Community Life, a lecture and conversation led by Jeremy Stone, Director of 間眅埶AVs Community Economic Development (CED) Program

A discussion on the significant role that retail offers in strengthening our communities was a fitting kickoff to this years Presidents Faculty Lectures, a series hosted by 間眅埶AV President Joy Johnson to examine the themes of resilience and recovery through the lens of groundbreaking research and researchers.

The event began with a warm welcome from Sxwpilema獺t Siy獺m (also known as Chief Leanne Joe) of the Squamish Nation, who works alongside Stone, as the Transformative Storyteller for Economic Reconciliation at the CED Program. 

This topic is very close to the work that I do, especially given the times that were in and where were moving towards, she said, mentioning the connection between land tenure and social entrepreneurship to economic resilience.

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Stone began with the question: what is resilience? Traditionally, it is viewed as a means of bouncing back or returning to a state of normalcy. But Stone whose background is in disaster recoveries  said you can never bounce back. You can only adapt to the changes that have happened because of any given disaster.

His approach to resiliency borrows from Indigenous knowledge. Seeing resilience from a more ecological standpoint, he referred to it as the ability of a system to maintain basic functions even in the face of change, and how different species contribute to different functions. Similarly, a community relies on keystone elements that support critical functions within our society to remain resilient.

For Stone, these functions and resilience are intricately related to income inequality, gentrification and the opioid crisis. If were losing parts of our population or certain businesses, it threatens the resilience of neighbourhoods. It threatens the resilience of communities.

During the pandemic, many retail businesses in the food, home and safety sectors were considered essential. However, a lot of stores deemed as non-essential have suffered economic losses and closures under COVID-19 restrictions.

Stone emphasized that while these restrictions are valid, there are key functions that non-essential retail businesses provide in keeping cities like Vancouver resilient, particularly in their role of developing art and culture.

For example, , a store in Vancouvers Sunset neighbourhood, has served multiple generations of communities. They work hard to incorporate fashion trends and fabrics from India that may otherwise not be available to the Indo-Canadian community.

Stone also highlighted businesses like ,  and , that showcase the work of local artists and designers. Their connection to retail goes beyond just selling. They also provide entrepreneurial skills and opportunities for students and up-and-coming artists to understand the business side of the industry, develop their craft, and build connections and networks in design communities.

Stone also brought a new perspective to the essentiality of food businesses. With the increasing gentrification of neighbourhoods like Chinatown, he highlighted restaurants such as  and  that not only provide food, but also contribute to the invigoration and reinvigoration of culture and place.


To save retail, Stone suggested:

  • Supporting local businesses
    If we just did a ten percent shift to local businesses, we would create 14,000 new jobs in BC and another $4.3 billion dollars for the economy. We dont have to cut out online ordering or going to major chains, but if we can have less Amazon in our lives and more Buy Local programs and more public procurement policies that municipalities are buying locally, we could really improve the resilience and longevity of local businesses.
  • Identifying keystone businesses and strengthening them
    We can work with our neighbourhoods and small communities and map out these important businesses and specifically work with them to develop business continuity plans and to get extra support so that we dont lose them in a time of disaster.
  • Economic resilience planning
    Very few if any municipalities across Canada have specific economic resilience plans that can be applied to any hazard. The Kootenays economic resilience planning is something that can be done in the Lower Mainland or anywhere, but we need the political will to do so.

Concluding his lecture, Stone emphasized that local planning is essential. We all have a role to play residents, organizations, and municipalities. But we need to be working together to plan for it.

Further, he acknowledged that while the discussion has been largely centered around resilience planning, there are communities particularly those that are marginalized who have been resilient. 

These communities are strong communities,and yet we havent championed that by giving them the adequate resources and changing the policies to allow them to use all of that built-in resilience, strength and determination to succeed.

The conversation continued

A Q&A portion followed, moderated by Joy Johnson, where the conversation continued around the role of universities in all of this, city local procurement, the contradictions in local economic resilience and global economic and trade systems, sustainability concerns add more.


Event Recording

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In the News

  Saman Dara, The Peak (February 1, 2021)

"Preserving the business of Vancouvers culture". BIV Today Podcast

"Economic Resilience Planning". CKNW Weekend Mornings

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