

Travis Salway | Affirming Identities Saves Lives

Equity + Justice, 2022, Health

Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (2S/LGBTQ) and other sexual and gender diverse people in Canada continue to face numerous threats to social inclusionand-in turn, to thriving in good healthdespite improvements in 2S/LGBTQ visibility, social attitudes toward 2S/LGBTQ people, and laws that protect 2S/LGBTQ rights.

These threats include day-to-day expressions of doubt or dismissal of 2S/LGBTQ identities, as well as more organized attempts to suppress 2S/LGBTQ identities (also known as conversion practices). Although conversion practices were banned in Canada this year, there is much work to be done to promote 2S/LGBTQ equity.

This lecture reviewed contemporary evidence regarding the social landscape, population health, and 2S/LGBTQ-affirming interventions in Canada. Attendees learned about promising public health, policy, and personal strategies to affirm 2S/LGBTQ identities, and thereby close the gap between the health of 2S/LGBTQ and cisgender-heterosexual people.

Travis Salway

The President's Faculty Lectures

The Presidents Faculty Lectures shine a light on the research excellence at 間眅埶AV. Hosted by 間眅埶AV president Joy Johnson, these free public lectures celebrate cutting-edge research and faculty that engage with communities and mobilize knowledge to make real-world impacts.

In 2022, lecturers approached the themes of Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Justice from a variety of disciplines.

The 2022/2023 President's Faculty Lectures

Travis Salway, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences| Tuesday, November 22
Amanda Watson, Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology | Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Laurel Weldon, Distinguished Professor, Department of Political Science | Wednesday, February 15
Tiffany Muller Myrdahl, Senior Lecturer, Gender, Sexuality and Womens Studies | Tuesday, March 21 
Sharalyn Jordan, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education | Wednesday, April 6

Travis Salway

Travis Salway (he/him) is a social epidemiologist who works to understand and improve the health of Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (2S/LGBTQ) populations. Since 2019, Travis is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at 間眅埶AV and conducts research in affiliation with the BC Centre for Disease Control and the Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity. In 2019-2020, he testified for two standing committees of the Canadian House of Commons, to inform federal policy to promote 2S/LGBTQ health equity. This resulted in the passage of Bill C-4, making it a crime to perpetrate anti-2S/LGBTQ practices, otherwise known as conversion therapy. Travis directs the , an interdisciplinary team committed to researching 2S/LGBTQ+ health and co-directs the , Turtle Islands first research group exclusively dedicated to understanding the health of Two-Spirit Indigenous people. He is the founder of , a 2S/LGBTQ-affirming mental health service finder

Tue, 22 Nov 2022

In-person and online

Djavad Mowafaghian World Art Centre

149 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, B.C.



The 間眅埶AV Goldcorp Centre for the Arts is accessible at street level on the Hastings side or via a ramp on the Cordova Street Courtyard side (across from JJ Bean Coffee). There are 2 ramp entry points, one is located against the building, near the entrance to the Woodwards Westbank Atrium (which houses London Drugs and Nesters) and one is located against the building, beside the alley. Both the Hastings doors and the Cordova Coutryard doors can be operated by accessibility buttons located beside the doorways.

The venue has a gender-neutral washroom. All floors within the building are wheelchair accessible and serviced by elevators.

Community guidelines

Our community guidelines are intended to ensure the safety of all guest speakers and event participants, and to foster honest, socially accountable dialogue at our events. Thank you for respecting our community guidelines!

  • Above all, there will be zero tolerance for those who promote violence or discrimination against others on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, or disability. Anyone who incites harm towards other participants (whether through chat, video, audio or otherwise) will be removed at the discretion of our technical team and moderator.
  • Dont assume pronouns/gender/knowledge based on someones name or appearance. Please refer to people using the usernames and/or pronouns they provide.
  • Take space, make space: share your perspective, and make space for other voices to be heard too. Recognize that we are all here to learn.
  • Practice self-care in whatever way you need to. If you need to get up or take a break, please do so.

Past President's Faculty Lectures