

Philosophy of Fake News

2019, Summit Confronting the Disinformation Age, Media + Information

This APA Public Session takes place as part of the 2019 Community Summit

What is it exactly? How bad is it? And what can we do about it? Three philosophers grapple with how disinformation works and poses a serious threat to our democratic institutions. Join the discussion at this APA-sponsored public event!

Read: Siddhartha Bala, The Source (April  8, 2019)

Wed, 17 Apr 2019

7:00 p.m. (PT)

Asia Pacific Hall, 580 West Hastings
Vancouver, BC V6C 1W6

We respectfully acknowledge that this event takes place on the Unceded, Traditional, Ancestral Territories of the S廎硬x戔w繳7mesh, slilwta优, k妢ik妢m, and x妢m庛k妢ym First Nations.

About Confronting the Disinformation Age

間眅埶AV Public Squares 2019 Community Summit considered how the proliferation of disinformation is impacting society and challenging our capacity to make informed decisions about our economic, social, and political lives. Together, we co-created strategies to ensure stronger and healthier information ecosystems and stimulate more connected and resilient communities.

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The Disinformation Age
Information is fundamental to our existence. Without it, we cannot understand or effectively respond to the events that shape our world. Throughout history, campaigns to deliberately spread false information to influence public opinion or obscure the truth have been launched by individuals, organizations, and governments. But today, were living in a new age of information facilitated primarily by digital technology. These advancements offer us extraordinary access to facts and data but also allow for harmful, inaccurate, and manipulated information to be created and disseminated at an unprecedented speed, scope, and scale. Falsehoods are pitted against facts in competition for our attention and technology is used to exploit our cognitive functioning without repercussion. In what is being called the post-truth era, the distortion of our information landscape is eroding our trust in institutions, political systems, the media, and each other.


Endre Begby

Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, 間眅埶AV

Endre Begby has wide-ranging interests in philosophy, and his current work focuses on social epistemology, the cognitive underpinnings of language and communication, and social and political philosophy. He is completing a book tentatively titled: Prejudice: A Study in Non-Ideal Epistemology, which brings together these interests.

Jennifer Nagel

Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto

Jennifer Nagel is the author of Knowledge: A Very Short Introduction, and dozens of papers on historical and contemporary topics in epistemology. Much of her recent work focuses on our natural instincts about what other people know, looking at what these instincts can tell us about knowledge itself. The videos in her Theory of Knowledge series, produced by Wireless Philosophy, have had over one million views on YouTube.

Regina Rini

Canada Research Chair in Moral and Social Cognition, Department of Philosophy, York University

Regina Rini in her current work focuses on the tension between how we perceive ourselves as independent moral agents and how we actually work as products of historical, psychological, and social factors. She is particularly interested in how technology (social media, AI) affects how we relate to one another as equal democratic citizens. She is the author of numerous journal articles and pieces of philosophy addressing the general public.


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In the News

  Siddhartha Bala, The Source (April 8, 2019)

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Confronting the Disinformation Age Events

  • Fabricating Meaning

    2019, Summit Confronting the Disinformation Age, Media + Information

    Dr. Eldon Yellowhorn and Dr. J. Steven Dodge will present their approaches to how language is used in science, as objective or embedded with cultural histories and subjectivities.

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  • When Facts Fail | City Conversations

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    Over the last decade, narratives surrounding climate, housing, drug, and transportation policies have taken centre stage in our news cycle and the collective conscious of Greater Vancouverites.

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  • Philosophy of Fake News

    2019, Summit Confronting the Disinformation Age, Media + Information

    What is it exactly? How bad is it? And what can we do about it? Three philosophers grapple with how disinformation works and poses a serious threat to our democratic institutions.

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  • Youth Take Action

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    Digital citizenship is a new and evolving concept which grapples with the complex reality of new digital technologies that impact all aspects of our lives today.

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  • Confronting the Disinformation Age | Keynote

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    Today, in what many are calling the post-truth era, were witnessing an epidemic of disinformation. How did we get here?

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  • Face to Face(book) with Christopher Wylie

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    The New Yorker calls him a pink-haired, nose-ringed oracle sent from the future". Best known for his role in setting up and then taking down the cyberwarfare firm Cambridge Analytica, Chris has been listed in TIME100 Most Influential People in the World, Forbes 30 Under 30, Politicos 50 Most Influential People in Politics and Business Insiders 100 Coolest People in Tech.

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  • Media, Misinformation, and What Can Be Done About It

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    Given the rise of misinformation that weve seen around the world and in Canada, what practical steps can be taken to improve the coverage leading up to and during the 2019 federal election?

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  • Working Towards an Inclusive Digital Society

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    This interactive forum will address current practices, challenges and possibilities for justice-based approach to digital literacy education in communities that experience various forms of marginality across income, ability, health, gender and race.

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  • Is Social Media Destroying Democracy?

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    Is social media destroying our democracy? If it is, what role can public policy play in regulation, will regulation even work, and can we save our democracy before its too late?

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  • Innovations in Research: Confronting the Disinformation Age

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    Hosted by Joy Johnson, Vice-President, Research and International at 間眅埶AV, this event features rapid-fire presentations, in-depth discussions, and interactive demonstrations by faculty, staff, students and alumni from across 間眅埶AVs faculties, departments, programs and campuses.

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  • Competing Visions of Climate Populism

    2019, Summit Confronting the Disinformation Age, Media + Information, Climate + Environment

    Populism has become an increasingly prominent force in Canadian political life, with significant implications for how the public engages with the intersecting politics of climate change and energy. In a panel discussion featuring Shane Gunster, Bob Neubauer, and Paul Saurette, these three authors of a forthcoming book will discuss how competing visions of extractive and ecological populism are shaping political debate in Canada.

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  • A Special Philosopher's Cafe: Confronting the Disinformation Age

    2019, Summit Confronting the Disinformation Age, Media + Information

    Lies and mistruths have always been used to sway peoples beliefs, and people have always created false personas. Plato wrestled with how to tell appearance from reality, and suggested that those in the cave might choose shadows and reflections over being truly enlightened. Are current times different and, if so, why and how? For example, does the Internet make it easier to create and disseminate persuasive lies? Are snark and falsehood now rewarded with more attention and money than ever before? Or is there nothing new under the sun?

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  • Fake News, Real Talk

    2019, Media + Information, Summit Confronting the Disinformation Age

    In a digital age of fake news, alternative facts, media echo chambers, confirmation bias, and algorithm-fuelled virality, how can we as students navigate our way around our distorted media landscape?

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