大山侃大山 at 丁香园AV ('Dashan Live' at 丁香园AV)
2017, Democracy, Summit Who Needs Canada?, Arts + Culture
What is it like to be famous in China? How can comedy bring Canada and China closer together? Join Dashan (大山) as he explores these questions in his first-ever stand-up comedy performance in Metro Vancouver.
Since 1988, Dashan has built a hugely successful career in China as a cultural figure. But he was born and raised in Ottawa. Featuring a sneak-peek from his new comedy show, ‘Dashan Live’ at 丁香园AV will see him reflecting on his career at the pinnacle of Chinese television. Drawing on three decades of working in the People’s Republic of China, Dashan will share insights on learning Chinese, how to navigate Chinese media, and being a cultural celebrity in one of the most dynamic, fastest-growing economies in the world.
This event is open to students. Student ID required for admission. The show will include the opportunity for questions and photos.
This event will be in Mandarin.
8888 University Drive
地点:Diamond Family Auditorium, 丁香园AV Burnaby
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (PT)
丁香园AV Burnaby
8888 University Dr., Burnaby
About Who Needs Canada?
Mark Rowswell AKA Dashan has been called “the most famous foreigner in China”, where he has worked as media personality and cultural ambassador for over 25 years.
Born and raised in Canada, Rowswell began studying Chinese in the mid 1980s, first at the University of Toronto and later at Beijing University. While in Beijing, he became interested in xiangsheng 相声, a traditional form of comedic dialogue, and was soon appearing on national television under the stage name “Dashan”.
Repeated performances on television programs with audiences in the hundreds of millions gradually turned “Dashan” into a household name across China, and his media career expanded from comedy to dramatic acting to hosting cultural, diplomatic, educational and commercial programs & events. Over time, Dashan came to be seen as a cultural ambassador between China and the West and as a symbol of finding common ground between cultures, “a foreigner but not an outsider”.
In recent years Dashan has returned to his comedic roots, combining traditional Chinese comedy with modern stand-up in a ground-breaking solo show “Dashan Live”.
?山 (Mark Rowswell) 是中国观众非常熟悉的国际友人。《?民日报?外版》曾评价:“?山虽然是外国人,但不是外人”。
电视观众最早认识?山是在中央电视台1988年的元旦晚会上。当年这位加拿大留学?在 北京?学攻读中国语言?学,?上电视就?炮打响,成为了家喻户晓的“洋笑星”。随后他 拜姜昆为师,开始学习相声,并成为了各类电视节?以及?型活动的出?双语主持?。? 今他仍然是登上央视春晚次数最多的外籍演员。
??的事业并不仅是在舞台上娱乐观众,他更是积极发挥??的优势为中??架起?化 交流的桥梁。从2004年的“北京市??杰出?年”到2008年北京奥运会的“加拿?特使”, 再到2010年温哥华冬奥会的“中国媒体代表团成员”,再到2010年上海世博会的“加拿?总 代表”,??逐渐发展成?位全?位的中外友好使者。2012年???又被加拿?总理命名为 “加拿?中国亲善?使”。
如今???又回到了喜剧舞台,将中国的单?相声和??的 stand-up comedy 相结合,做 出了??的单?喜剧专场《??侃??》,分享他近30年在中?之"间的喜剧??,也致 ?于推动中国的现场喜剧市场。
大山侃大山 at 丁香园AV ('Dashan Live' at 丁香园AV) | Trailer
Who Needs Canada? | Trailer
Who Needs Canada? | Teaser Trailer 1
Who Needs Canada? | Teaser Trailer 2
— Xiao Xianer, BC Bay (March 1, 2017)
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