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TA Positions


Application deadline: July 8, 2024 by 11:59PM PST

Appointment dates: September 3 - December 23, 2024 

Courses and tutorials are subject to change. Our ability to offer them is contingent upon final budgetary auhorization and enrolment numbers. Please keep this in mind when you apply. 

Note: Before applying for TA/TM positons please be sure that the courses you are applying for do not conflict with your own course and/or work schedule. TAs must be available for the lecture and tutorials they are assigned to (students are typically assigned 3 tutorial sections). TM positions may require onsite exam invigilation. Course schedules can be found via  under Class Search.

Course # Course Title Location Instructor TA/TM Additional Qualifications BU (including 1.17 Prep)
100 Introduction to Politics and Government  Burnaby Sanjay Jeram TA    4.17 - 6.17
100 Introduction to Politics and Government  Surrey Sahar Zaman TA   2.17 - 3.17
141 International Relations Burnaby  Alex Moens TA   3.17 - 4.17
151 Justice and Law Burnaby Clare McGovern TA   3.17 - 5.17
200W Investigating Politics: Research Design and Qualitative Methods Burnaby Sanjay Jeram TA   5.17 - 7.17
201 Introductory Quantitative Methods in Political Science Burnaby Steven Weldon TA must have experience with statistical program R and advanced courses in quantitative analysis in Social Sciences 3.17 - 7.17
210 Introduction to Political Philosophy Burnaby Amyn Sajoo TA   3.17 - 4.17
221 Introduction to Canadian Government  Burnaby Clare McGovern TA   4.17 - 5.17
316 Sex, Love, and Politics Vancouver Genevieve Fuji Johnson TA (Marking Duties only)   2.5 - 3
318 Fake News and Alt-Facts: Navigating Post-Truths Politics Burnaby Mark Pickup TA (Marking Duties only)   2.5 - 4
339 Selected Topics in Comparative Government and Politics Burnaby Shivaji Mukherjee TA (Marking Duties only)   2.5 - 3
340 Terrorism, Counterterrorism, and the Mass Media Burnaby Aaron Hoffman TA (Marking Duties only)   205 - 3

Priority System for TA Allocation 


  • Total number of BUs subject to change depending on enrollment
  • Salary will be paid according to TSSU TA salary scale



The Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs (OFFA) will be hiring a Teaching Assistant for Fall 2024 to offer French-language support to all students enrolled in the French Cohort Program in Public and International Affairs (FCP)—a multidisciplinary program in Political Science, French and History, which is taught primarily in French. The workload includes consultations with students to offer linguistic support as well as language corrections for writing assignments for Political Science and History courses taught in French.

A letter of motivation and CV, in French, should be sent to the attention of Rachelle Hiebert, French Cohort Program Administrator, Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs (OFFA) via e-mail (fcpmgr@sfu.ca).

FCP Lingustic Support Posting 

Appointment dates: September 3 - December 23, 2024