

John Richards



John Richards is trained as an economist. He has written extensively on social policy in Canada, primarily via the C.D. Howe Institute (Howe publications available online at  ), where he is a research fellow.

He co-edits (with Henry Milner) Inroads, a Canadian policy journal (see  ).

In addition, he has undertaken teaching and research in Bangladesh over the last three decades. His current research focus is education in South Asia. He is co-author of The Political Economy of Education in South Asia, published by University of Toronto Press in 2022, and reprinted in Bangladesh. His most recent activity is as one of three who prepared a final report on an ambitious NGO project to re-integrate 70,000 children who had dropped out at an early grade or had never enrolled.

Selected Publications


J. Richards, M. Ahmed, S. Islam. 2022. The Political Economy of Education in South Asia. University of Toronto Press.

Journal Articles

J. Richards & S. Islam. 2018. Assessing Literacy and Numeracy among Primary School Students: A Pilot Survey in Rural Bangladesh. International Journal of Educational Development 61:55-63. 

J. Richards, M. Ahmad, S. Islam. 2018. Why is South Asia poor? The role of primary education. Bangladesh Education Journal 17(1):37-49. 

Huda, N. J. Richards, L. Rahman, S. Syed. 2020. Why has the Caesarean Rate Increased Dramatically in Bangladesh? International Nursing Review 67(2):231-238.

Policy Monographs (C.D. Howe Institute)

J. Richards & P. Mahboubi. 2018. Measuring Student Outcomes: The Case for Identifying Indigenous Students in Canada’s PISA Sample. E-brief 272. 

J. Richards 2018. Pursuing Reconciliation: The Case for an Urban Off-Reserve Agenda. Commentary 526. 

J. Richards 2020. No Easy Answers: Insights into Community Well-being among First Nations. E-brief 304. 

J. Richards 2020. Student Performance in PISA 2018: Nettlesome Problems for Canada. Commentary 576. 

J. Richards forthcoming. The Case for Small Nuclear Reactors. e-brief.

Conference Proceedings

J. Richards, L. Rahman & N. Huda. 2018. Rana Plaza three years after: Physical and Mental Morbidities among Survivors. H. Yadav, ed. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Public Health, 2016 2:19-23.

Consulting Report

J. Richards, L. Rahman & N. Huda. 2018. Rana Plaza three years after: Physical and Mental Morbidities among Survivors. H. Yadav, ed. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Public Health, 2016 2:19-23.