

Dominique Gross

Professor Emeritus


Dominique M. Gross is a Professor in Graduate Public Policy and the School for International Studies and has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Toronto . Prior to joining the Graduate Public Policy Program in September 2005, she held various academic positions in Universities in Australia , Canada and Europe . She has also worked for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington , DC and the International Labour Office (ILO), in Geneva , where she had the opportunity to teach and develop economic research programmes in several Sub-Sahara African countries.

In her research, she specializes in applied international labour and finance macroeconomic questions. She is particularly interested in the relationship between domestic policies and international immigrant and foreign investment location decisions. The main geographical focuses of her research are Europe and North America . She has published in academic journals, in edited books as well as produced policy studies with an international perspective for the CD Howe Institute in Toronto, the ILO, the IMF and the World Bank.

Selected Publications


Gross, D.M., Murphy, R. and Jaccard, M., 2018,  "Use of revealed preference data to estimate the costs of forest carbon sequestration in Canada" Forest Policy and Economics. 97. December. 41-50.

Gross,D.M., 2017, "Conditions for an Efficient Canadian Temporary Foreign Worker Program. The Case of Quebec. Canadian Ethnic Studies/tudes ethniques au Canada"  49, 2. 99-120.

Gross, D.M., 2017, "Are Temporary Foreign Workers Filling only Labor Shortages? The Case of Canada," Case Studies in Business and Management", 2017. 4, 1. 1-24. .

Gross, D.M., 2012. Free Mobility with the EU and Immigration of North American Brains to Switzerland: What Consequences? Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics. 148, 4. pp. 497-532.

Gross, D.M., and N. Schmitt, 2012. Temporary Foreign Workers and Regional Labour Market Disparities in Canada. Canadian Public Policy. 38, 2. pp. 233-63.  Winners of the 2012 John Vanderkamp Prize for the best paper published by Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques.

Gross, D.M., and N. Schmitt, 2012. Low- and high-skill migration flows: Free mobility versus other determinants. Applied Economics.  44, 1-3. pp. 1-20.

Gross, D.M., 2011. Who Feels Economically Threatened by Temporary Foreign Workers? Evidence from the Construction Industry. Economic Papers. 30, 4. pp. 1-16.

Gross, D.M., 2011. "Swiss Immigration Policy: Successful Management or Luck?" (La politica migratoria svizzera: Un successo o solo fortuna? Translation by Niccolo Locatelli). Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica Limes (The Italian Review of Geopolitics Limes). No 3. December.

Gross, D.M., 2011. Immigration Policy and Attitudes toward Temporary Foreign Workers in Vancouver. Our Diverse Cities. Ed. D. Hiebert. Nr 8. Spring. Ottawa: Citizenship and Immigration Canada. pp. 28-33.

Gross, D.M., 2010. Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada: Does a Policy with Short-Term Purpose have a Long-Term Impact on Unemployment? Canadian Issues. Ed. C. Worswick. Spring. Montreal: Association for Canadian Studies. pp. 107-111.

Gross, D.M., 2010. Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada and the Risks they Face. BCAW Perspectives. 32, 1.

Gross, D.M., and M. Ryan, 2008. "FDI Location and Size. Does Employment Protection Legislation Matter?" Regional Science and Urban Economics. 38, 6. pp. 590-605.

Gross, D.M., 2007. Immigration, Incentives and Policy in Switzerland in International Migration, Economic Development and Policy. Eds. M. Schiff and C. Ozden. Palgrave Macmillan and World Bank. Washington. pp 183-214.


Gross.D.M., 2016. La cr矇ation de petites et moyennes entreprises par les immigrants r矇cents francophones en Colombie-Britannique et limpact des programmes daides. Report for the Soci矇t矇 de D矇veloppement Economique, Colombie-Britannique. March 31. 48 pages

Gross, D.M., 2014. Can a Temporary Foreign Worker Program be Effective? Learning from a Canadian Natural Experiment. School of Public Policy Research Working Paper No 4. May. h

Gross, D.M., 2014. Temporary foreign workers in Canada. Are they really filling labour shortages?  CD Howe Commentary. No 407. Economic Growth and Innovation. April.  

Gross, D.M. and J. Richards, 2012. Breaking the Stereotype: Why Urban Aboriginals Score Highly on Happiness Measures. CDHowe Commentary. No 354. Social Policy. July.

Gross, D.M., 2011. "High Skill Migration to Canada and Switzerland: Retention, Attraction and Competition with the United States through Policy." Metropolis BC Working Paper #11-03. March.

Kalaw, T. and, D.M. Gross, 2010. "Employment Standard Violations and Live-in Caregivers' Characteristics in British Columbia." Metropolis BC Working Paper #08-10. September.

Gross, D.M., 2009. Global Talent: Skilled Workers and Migration. The Case of Canada. Labor Markets, Labor Mobility and Human Capital Series. No 3. Center for Dialogue and Analysis on North America (CEDAN), Tecnol籀gico de Monterrey. November.

Kim, A. and, D.M. Gross, 2009. "Construction Workers' perception of Temporary Foreign Workers in Metro Vancouver." Metropolis BC Working Paper #09-07. September. 

Gross D.M., 2007. Swiss Brains in North America. Paper prepared for Swissnex, Swiss Science and Technology Office, San Francisco. February 2007.