
Environmental Management Policy


April 4, 2003

Revision Date


GP 32

Revision No.


間眅埶AV has two primary objectives in establishing this policy:

(a) To establish responsible stewardship of the environment as an institutional priority by meeting or exceeding regulatory requirements for environmental protection set by local, provincial or federal authorities or granting agencies; and

(b)To provide a framework for establishing policies and procedures that demonstrate responsibility and due diligence on the part of the University and that educate and assist members of the University community to understand and fulfill their responsibilities in protecting the environment.


    1. 間眅埶AV is committed to establishing and maintaining high standards of environmental protection. It will work diligently to meet or exceed its legal responsibilities to protect the environment. Policies, procedures and programs addressing specific environmental issues will be developed and revised as required to ensure compliance with environmental legislation.

    2. In order to meet its environmental goals and obligations, the University must have the full cooperation and participation of all members of the University community. Consequently, there must be a communications strategy in place to inform students, staff and faculty of new and existing environmental protection obligations. This communication strategy will be managed through the appropriate vice president, dean, and chair or director.

    3. The University will act promptly to identify environmental risks and take corrective action. Notification of environmental risks or the discovery of potentially harmful conditions will be channeled through the chair or director of the academic or administrative unit directly involved to the dean and/or vice president. When the risk or condition has been dealt with, a report must be submitted to the Vice-President, Finance and Administration who is responsible for making an annual report to the Board of Governors, and reporting critical incidents to the Board as required.


Questions of interpretation or application of this policy shall be referred to the President whose decision shall be final.