
Evaluation of the President's Performance (B10.14


May 26, 2011

Revision Date



Revision No.

1. Preamble:

Regular evaluation of the President is one of the most important responsibilities of the Board of Governors. The evaluation process provides a formal opportunity for the Board and the President to have a constructive discussion regarding the performance of the institution and the Presidents leadership.

The Board works though the Compensation Committee (the Committee) in implementing the evaluation process, although the Board is involved in reviewing the Presidents goals, objectives and competencies (GOCs) and the final evaluation, and approving any performance-based compensation.

2. Policy:

The Board of Governors must evaluate the Presidents performance annually; provide guidance and constructive feedback to the President and ensure that any performance-based compensation fairly reflects the Presidents accomplishments during the review period.

3. Procedures:

3.1    Annually, the President shall set out in writing for the Board of Governors a self-assessment of accomplishments for the previous academic year, measured against the GOCs that had been approved by the Board, along with projected GOCs for the upcoming academic year integrating them into a more comprehensive plan for the term of office (collectively the Report).

3.2    The President will deliver the Report annually through the University Secretary to the Committee  for its meeting in September.

3.3    The evaluation will be based upon the Report and input received from Board members and the vice presidents. In addition, the Committee may in its discretion consider input from a wider constituency.

3.4    The Committee Chair and Board Chair will meet with the President to review all of the material the Committee receives. This meeting provides a forum for mutually assessing progress on the agreed-upon GOCs of the past year and for determining or modifying future GOCs.

3.5     The Committee will forward to the Board a final report containing an evaluation of the Presidents performance over the review period and a report of any performance-based compensation and, for the approval of the Board, a final report containing an endorsement of the Presidents GOCs for the next year.