
Payment of Honoraria


May 26, 2011

Revision Date


AD 3.17

Revision No.

1.    Policy

An honorarium is a token payment for services.  Often there is no expectation of remuneration (i.e. the service would likely be provided whether or not there is payment).  Additionally, an honorarium payment:

  • Must not be for work that is in contravention of the contracting out provisions of any existing collective agreements;
  • Should be infrequent and one-time in nature; and
  • Must not normally exceed $2,500.  Any amounts in excess of this figure require approval from a Vice-President or the Executive Director of Human Resources.

Employees are paid honoraria payments through Payroll, subject to statutory source deductions, without 間眅埶AV benefits (no pension benefits).

Non-employees are paid honoraria payments through payment services as vendors.

2.     Authority

Vice-President, Finance and Administration.


