Credit and Collection
February 15, 1972
Revision Date
AD 3.05
Revision No.
The revenues and debts to the University represent an important portion of University finances. The University must therefore ensure that accounts are paid within a reasonable period of time, and take necessary and reasonable action on the collection of overdue accounts. This policy outlines the terms for payment of amounts owing to the University and the steps to be taken in the collection of overdue accounts.
- The Bursar's Office shall be responsible for setting out reasonable credit terms and the collection of overdue accounts. This includes tuition fees, residence fees, student emergency loans and other debts owing to the University, as well as faculty and staff debts. This policy does not cover library fines which are covered by another policy.
- At the time an amount becomes owing to the University, payment must be made or else credit terms must be established with the University.
- When an account becomes overdue, the Bursar's Office will notify the debtor and if payment is not forthcoming will take appropriate action to recover the amount owing.
- Tuition, Student Activity and Related Fees
- The Calendar states that unless otherwise authorized, graduate and undergraduate fees must be paid in full at registration. If a student is unable to pay full fees at registration, reasonable terms for paying the balance owing should be discussed with the Bursar's Office. In no case will the terms extend past the current semester and except for extenuating circumstances full payment will be expected by the end of the fourth week of classes.
- If a student defaults on his agreement to pay the balance owing under the terms and dates arranged, the student will be reminded by the Bursar's Office of final dates.
- If the student fails to contact the Bursar's Office with a reasonable arrangement, then the Bursar's Office will notify the Registrar to take withdrawal action and will so inform the student. This notification will be required by the Registrar in sufficient time for him to notify the student emphasizing the need to pay, or withdrawal will be undertaken by the last date for withdrawal without academic penalty (week nine of the semester).
- The Calendar states that unless otherwise authorized, graduate and undergraduate fees must be paid in full at registration. If a student is unable to pay full fees at registration, reasonable terms for paying the balance owing should be discussed with the Bursar's Office. In no case will the terms extend past the current semester and except for extenuating circumstances full payment will be expected by the end of the fourth week of classes.
- Residence Fees
- Upon admittance into the Men's, Women's or Apartment Residence, the resident agrees to pay monthly residence fees in advance at the beginning of each month. In the case of the Apartment Residence tenants have lease agreements with the University.
- If the resident has not paid his monthly residence fees by the 10th of each month or made suitable arrangements with the Bursar's Office, then the Bursar's Office will take the following action:
- Send out a request to the resident stating the account is overdue and asking for payment within seven days.
- Send out a second request to the resident by the 20th of that month stating that if the account is not paid by the 27th the Bursar's Office will notify the Residence Co-ordinator that the Resident be given notice to vacate his suite.
- Notify the Residence Co-ordinator on the 28th of that month requesting that the student be given notice to vacate the residence. Under the Landlord and Tenant Act this will mean the tenant must vacate by the end of the following month.
- Send out a request to the resident stating the account is overdue and asking for payment within seven days.
- Upon admittance into the Men's, Women's or Apartment Residence, the resident agrees to pay monthly residence fees in advance at the beginning of each month. In the case of the Apartment Residence tenants have lease agreements with the University.
- Student Emergency Loans
- The Financial Aid Officer will make loans to students for emergency purposes. These will normally be limited to $100.00 per individual for a period of not longer than a month. Loans will not be issued for payment of tuition fees and there must be reasonable assurance the loan will be repaid in the stated period. Loans issued between the semester break will not be subject to action, as outlined in paragraph 5, below, until they become overdue.
- The student must agree on a prescribed form to repay the loan.
- The Financial Aid Officer will make loans to students for emergency purposes. These will normally be limited to $100.00 per individual for a period of not longer than a month. Loans will not be issued for payment of tuition fees and there must be reasonable assurance the loan will be repaid in the stated period. Loans issued between the semester break will not be subject to action, as outlined in paragraph 5, below, until they become overdue.
- Other Amounts Owing to the University
- These include sale of goods and services, rentals, fines, employee accounts receivable, repair of damages to residence suites.
- The Bursar's Office will set payment terms normally 30 days from the date of billing. If an account becomes overdue the Bursar's Office will take appropriate collection action.
- These include sale of goods and services, rentals, fines, employee accounts receivable, repair of damages to residence suites.
- If at the end of the semester an undergraduate or graduate student owes $50.00, or more to the University for tuition fees, residence fees, emergency student loans, specified fines or combination thereof, the student will not be eligible to register in succeeding semesters until all amounts owing to the University have been paid. Library fines are, as previously stated, excluded from this procedure.
- If after the actions previously described have been taken, and an amount still is owing, the Bursar's Office will notify the debtor that the account may be placed in the hands of a collection agency unless payment is made within fifteen days. If payment is not made in fifteen days the account may then be placed in the hands of a collection agency.