
Display of Notices, Posters, Advertisements, Etc. On Campus


March 20, 1981

Revision Date

September 11, 1984


AD 13.05

Revision No.


To eliminate the amount of paper and banners affixed to walls, and to curtail the damage to painted and finished surfaces of the University, the posting of handbills, banners, and posters on campus will be regulated in accordance with this policy. The Director, Facilities Management, is responsible for the implementation and control of this policy.



  1. Posters, notices, and advertisements may be placed only on notice boards provided for such items. They will not be permitted on walls, glass, concrete surfaces, or doors. Banners, three (3) maximum, may be placed only in the Convocation Mall on the following locations and only when such banners meet specified design and appearance criteria.

    1. The south parapet of the elevated walkway in front of the Pub overlooking the Mall.

    2. The parapet at the east end of the elevated wall at the Library side of the mall above the Bookstore entrance.

    3. The parapet at the west end of the elevated wall at the Library side of the Mall above the notice boards.
  1. Temporary notices to classes such as room changes or cancellations may be placed on the door of the affected classroom but must be removed at the end of the day.

  2. Responsibility for approval for posting and duration of posting is as follows:

    1. Simon Fraser Student Society

      1. Off-campus advertisements except for organizations supplying or purporting to supply aids to writing examinations or supplying a service which is already provided by the University. This latter type of advertisement must have the approval of the Director, Facilities Management.

      2. Student clubs' and student organizations' notices to be posted by students offering services and sales.

      3. The three (3) banners are indicated in #1.

    1. University Departments

      1. For all notices and bulletins concerning the operations of the department, services offered by the department, or organizations sanctioned by the department except where such approval is in conflict with #3 (a) above.
      2. All Posters, notices, bulletins, etc. approved in accordance with policy must show date of posting, duration of posting, and departmental approval. Nothing in this procedure (3) is to be construed to allow posting in violation of procedure 1 above.

  1. There will be special notice boards set up for personal advertisements for services or sales.

  1. Notices, posters, banners, bulletins, advertisements, etc., posted in violation of this policy will be removed.