
Murals and Displays of Art Work


July 23, 1980

Revision Date

August 8, 1980


AD 13.04

Revision No.



  1. The Director of Facilities Management shall determine which public areas of the University are available for murals and the display of art works of any sort.

  2. The Director of the Art Gallery shall determine whether and where specific exhibits shall be placed within the space so designated.


  1.  Departments or individuals wishing to create a mural or display art works within the public areas of the University, will direct a memorandum to the Director of Facilities Management outlining the type, subject matter and approximate size of the proposed installation.

  2. The Director of Facilities Management, in consultation with the Director of the Art Gallery, will make a determination as to which areas are most suited for the particular installation being proposed.

  3. This decision will then be communicated, in writing, to the requestor.