
Work Orders (Total Cost Under $1500)


July 20, 1994

Revision Date


AD 13.03

Revision No.


All Departments requiring Facilities Management support for renovations, repairs, new installation or physical relocations for work deemed to be under $1,500.00 in cost funded from any source should fill out a Project Initiating form and forward to Facilities Management. No estimate will be provided, but work will be done as soon as personnel and materials are available.

The purpose of this policy is to complete jobs expeditiously by giving them directly to Maintenance and Operations without the need for design, estimating or further approvals.


a. The requesting Department will:

  1. initiate a Project Initiating form FAD 13-1 and fill in all details on the right hand side of the form;

  2. obtain signature of the Departmental signing authority that the account code and request are valid;

  3. forward the canary and white copies to Facilities Management. Retain the pink copy for the Department file.

b. Facilities Management will:

  1. register the Work Order number and forward a "Confirmation" copy to the originating Department;

  2. perform the requested work;

  3. as work proceeds, inform the Finance Office of monthly charges.

c. The Financial Services will:

  1. debit the charges so that these expenditures are reflected in the appropriate accounts.