
Purchasing Policy


May 1, 1969

Revision Date

February 10, 2006


AD 11.01

Revision No.


1. Purpose

1.1 The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that the University obtains the best value for its expenditures while ensuring that all procurements and procurement processes are characterized by the highest level of institutional and personal integrity; that the procurement process is open, transparent and fair; and that all qualified vendors are given the opportunity to compete for the University’s business.

2. Scope

2.1 The Policy applies to all faculties, departments, programmes, and faculty and staff. It identifies those with the authority and the responsibility to acquire goods and services on behalf of the University and sets out the principles to be followed throughout the procurement process.

2.2 The Policy covers all University purchases for goods and services including capital expenditures and goods for resale.

3. Policy

3.1 Under authority delegated by the Board of Governors to the Vice-President, Finance and Administration, the Vice-President, Finance and Administration is authorized to commit the University to supply agreements, purchase orders, licenses, contracts, leases or other legally enforceable documents.

3.2 The Vice-President may assign specific purchasing authority to other individuals / departments, retaining functional authority over these individuals / departments with respect to the specific purchasing authority assigned.

3.3 Only duly authorized individuals can commit the University to supply agreements, purchase orders, licenses, contracts, leases or other legally enforceable documents.

3.4 Where a commitment has been made in the name of the University by someone who does not have proper authorization, the obligation will be with the person making the commitment and not with the University.

3.5 Where appropriate, the acquisition of goods and services should be by a competitive bidding process.

4. Responsibility

4.1 The Director, Procurement Services, is responsible to the Vice-President, Finance and Administration and is authorized to commit the University to supply agreements, purchase orders, licenses, contracts, leases or other legally enforceable documents; for the implementation of this Policy; for communicating its contents to the University community; and for ensuring that this Policy’s principles are understood and applied.

4.3 Vice-Presidents, Deans and Chairs / Directors are responsible for ensuring that the Purchasing Policy is clearly understood and complied within their faculties, departments and programmes.

5. Procedures

5.1 Detailed Purchasing procedures and tender thresholds are available from the web site maintained by the Purchasing Department at under Purchasing.


The following policies have been deleted AD 11.02, AD 11.03, AD 11.05, AD 11.07, AD 11.08, AD 11.09, AD 11.12, AD 11.14, AD 11.15, AD 11.16, AD 11.19 and AD 11.20