
Control and Scheduling of Athletic Facilities


September 15, 1975

Revision Date

December 1, 1980


AD 1.17

Revision No.



  1. The facilities operated by the Department of Athletics and Recreational Services, serve primarily to satisfy the physical educational, athletic and recreational needs of programs operated for students, faculty and staff of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.

  2. These facilities include the East and West Gymnasiums and all the support facilities within these structures, i.e. weight rooms; swimming pool etc.; tennis courts; the track and the playing fields.


  1. In order to ensure the proper distribution and the maximum productive use of all such facilities, the Manager, Athletics and Recreational Services, will be the sole coordinating and approving authority for the scheduling and use of these facilities.

  2. The use of any particular facility will be primarily, although not necessarily, restricted to those activities for which the particular facility was originally designed, and the following priorities for allocating facilities will be employed:

    1. Scheduled physical educational classes.
    2. Scheduled varsity matches.
    3. Scheduled club matches.
    4. Practice for both men's and women's Varsity teams. (In season).
    5. Club practice and intramural programs organized by the Recreation Department.
    6. Organized recreational programs for children.
    7. Scheduled general recreation periods for unorganized (student/faculty/staff) activities.
    8. Large university sponsored, or approved student and faculty events. i.e. concerts, dances, meetings, etc. (Normally, only one per semester)
    9. Off campus groups such as schools, churches, community clubs, provincial or federal funded athletic events, etc. who may wish to rent University facilities.

  1. Regardless of priority status, all requests for the use of a particular facility during a given semester, must be submitted to the Department of Athletics and Recreational Services at least six weeks before classes begin for that semester.

AD 1-17
Addendum 1
September 1, 1979


Safety Regulations – Swimming Pool
The Department of Athletic and Recreational Services is required by law to meet standards set out by the B.C. Health Act concerning safety regulations in the swimming pool. It is therefore prudent for us to establish the following criteria for groups using the swimming pool facility. Funding for lifeguard salaries will be the responsibility of the Department using this facility.

  1. General Recreation Users

    When the pool is open to general recreation users, 2 staff members must be on duty; one of the staff members must be a lifeguard, the other must be conversant with the emergency plans for the pool.

  2. Scheduled Recreational Activities

    When the pool is being used by groups such as water polo and underwater hockey, and is not open to the public, the pool must be under the close supervision of a lifeguard who is conversant with pool emergency plans.

  3. Scheduled Instructional Classes

    When the pool is being used for instruction in skin and scuba diving or children's aquatics, and is not open to the public, the pool must be under the close supervision of a swimming instructor who is conversant with pool emergency plans.

  4. Scheduled Kinesiology and Education Classes

    When the pool is being used for Kinesiology and Education classes, and is not open to the public, the pool must be under the close supervision of a lifeguard conversant with pool emergency plans. If these classes are in any way used for the purpose of instructing the students in swimming, then the standards required when the pool is being used for instruction must also be met.

  5. In general, if there are any circumstances in which the pool is being used simultaneously for general recreation and instruction, there must be both a lifeguard and a swimming instructor closely supervising the pool, one of whom must be conversant with pool emergency plans.


AD 1-17
Addendum 2
July 31, 1979

Subject: Gymnasium Climbing Wall


The ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Gymnasium Climbing Wall is a unique structure built to simulate a wide range of climbing experiences. The following procedures have been established to ensure, as far as is possible, the safety of all users, and the indemnification of the university from all liabilities due to accident or injury. For the purposes of this policy, an instructor is defined as a person whom the Director of Recreation has authorized, in writing, to be an instructor. There are four types of users presently identified. 1. Recreational User; 2. Instruction Classes; 3. Off-Campus School Groups; 4. Off-Campus Outdoor Recreation Groups. The Policies and Procedures relating to each category are described in detail in the sections below.

  1. Recreational User

    The climbing wall is open during normal facility hours for recreational use to all members of the campus community and off-campus guests who are gym members.

    B. Procedure

    1. Each person wishing to use the climbing wall must be prescreened by the Director of Recreation. This process involves the completion of a questionnaire administered by and in the presence of the Director. Permission to use the wall will be granted, based on the response of the requesting individual, to the questionnaire.

    2. If permission is granted, the Director will sign the questionnaire.

    3. The individual then will go to the Equipment Room and present the authorization (the questionnaire signed by the Director) to the Equipment Room staff member.

    4. The staff member will ask the individual to sign a waiver releasing ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV from liability, pointing out that if the individual is not 19 years of age, then his parent or guardian must sign for him. (Ref: Appendix I).

    5. The individual's name and signature will be recorded in the climbing wall log book and the two forms filed. The individual will then be an authorized user of the wall and will be entitled to sign out the key for the wall.

  1. Instruction Classes

    A. Policy
    The Recreation Department runs rock climbing classes throughout the year. There are two types of classes:

    1. adult instruction classes in the General Education non-credit program; and

    2. children's instruction classes in the Children's Summer Recreation Program (C.S.R.P.).

    For situation (i) and (ii), the Director Recreation will identify an instructor(s) to Athletic & Recreational Services. Their name(s) will be kept on file. Only these instructors will be permitted to teach classes on the climbing wall. An instructor is the only person who shall be allowed to sign out a key on his own signature.

    B. Procedure

    1. Adult Instruction Classes:

      1. A list of students enrolled in the classes will be provided to Athletic and Recreational Services for the semester in question by the instructor.

      2. Prior to the commencement of the class, each student will be required to sign a waiver.

      3. The class list and waivers will be filed in the Equipment Room.

      4. At the first session on the wall, the instructor will instruct each student in all aspects of the safe use of the wall.

      5. At the first session, and until the end of the course, students will be considered authorized users of the wall, without pre-screening by the Director, subject to the procedure for signing out climbing wall keys, (ref: section 5).

      6. After the first session, the instructor is empowered to recommend to the Director students whose names may be added to the authorized list of users.

      7. The Director authorizes by signing the climbing wall questionnaire from referred to in section 1.B(a) for each student in question.

      8. The recreational user signing out procedure for climbing wall keys is then followed (section 5).

    ii. Children's Instruction Classes

    1. The instructor is solely responsible for signing out the climbing wall key.

    2. Each child involved in the class must have a waiver form signed by a parent or guardian.

    3. The instructor submits the waiver forms to the equipment staff for filing.

    4. The child:instructor ratio must not exceed 10:1.

    5. A newly completed waiver form should be obtained each time a child enters a program.

    1. Off campus school groups

      1. Policy
        The University encourages use of the wall by school groups from the surrounding community.

      B. Procedure

      1. All school groups wishing to use the wall must identify to the Director, in writing, the teacher(s) who will be responsible for the group.

      2. The Director will send the teacher copies of the waiver form, to be signed by the parents/guardian of those children who form the school group.

      3. The school group must have an instructor(s) who has been authorized by the Director present at all times.

      4. The teacher will submit the completed waiver forms to the Director, 48 hours prior to the session on the wall.

      5. The Director will forward the completed waivers form to the equipment staff for filing.

      6. The child-instructor ratio must not exceed 10:1.

      7. The instructor is solely responsible for signing out the key.

      8. A newly completed waiver form must be obtained for each session.

    1. Off Campus Outdoor Recreation Groups

      1. Policy
        The University encourages use of the wall by outdoor recreation groups from the surrounding community.

      B. Procedure

      1. Off campus groups must name an instructor who has agreed to supervise the group's use of the wall.

      2. The group in question must send a letter acceptable to the Director, indemnifying ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. (Ref: Appendix II).

      3. The instructor will then be authorized to take the group on the wall.

      4. Each member of the group must sign the waiver form. Waiver forms must be submitted to the Director, 48 hours prior to each session.

      5. The Director will forward the completed waiver forms to the equipment room.

      6. A newly completed waiver form must be submitted for each session.

      7. The equipment room staff shall be responsible for ensuring that the waiver forms are properly completed.

    1. Signing out Climbing Wall Keys

      1. Policy

        1. An instructor is the only person who shall be allowed to sign out a key on his own signature.

        2. The key signing out process otherwise requires a minimum of two users, one of whom must be an authorized user.

      B. Procedure

      1. Authorized users' names and signatures are checked off against the list of authorized users.

      2. If both individuals are authorized users, then one is required to sign for the climbing wall key and assume responsibility for the key and the wall climbing activities.

      3. An authorized user may take a maximum of one (1) authorized user onto the wall.