


May 1, 1969

Revision Date

February 8, 1993


AD 1.09

Revision No.



  1. Furniture required for the expansion or renovation of facilities within a department will be funded from the department operating budget or equipment budget. The purchase of furniture by departments will be expended through the Purchasing Department of Financial Services. Note: The funds available for minor renovation projects are restricted by Ministry policy from the purchase of furniture or equipment.

  2. Furniture requirements identified in conjunction with major capital projects will be specified and purchased by the Planning, Design and Construction office of Facilities Management. Funds are provided from the capital project funding.

  3. Specification of furniture design, colour and technical performance should recognize the general University interest of flexibility for reuse; both for the department and the University as a whole. Furniture not conforming to University standards requires approval of the appropriate Dean or Director.

  4. Furniture no longer required for use by a department should be turned over to Central Stores for reallocation or disposal (see policy AD 11-10).

  5. List of typical office furniture:

    1. One desk (horizontal surface 15 sq. ft.), with single pedestal (1 box/1 file drawer);

    2. One computer desk/table (horizontal surface 10 sq. ft.) with single pedestal (3 box drs.);

    3. Two side chairs (upholstered) armless;

    4. One upholstered swivel tilter chair;

    5. Two free standing bookcases (3'0" x 7'0") secured to wall (36 running ft. of shelving 12" deep);

    6. One lateral filing cabinet (4 drawer x 3' 0").


  1. Furniture to be purchased from a department's operating or equipment funds:

    Contact the Purchasing Department of Financial Services for consultation and initiate action by the completion of a Purchase Requisition.

  2. New Capital Projects
    The Development Manager of the project will contact the proposed occupants of a new project to identify their requirements. Furniture currently in use by units being relocated to a new building will normally remain in place. If the new occupants of the space to be left behind cannot make use of the existing furniture, it may be moved to the new facility or released to Central Stores as circumstances warrant. Customized furniture may be relocated to the new facility as circumstances warrant.

  3. This policy does not regulate equipment such as refrigerators, photocopiers, projectors, FAX machines, etc. These items are purchased with the appropriate approval.