
Long Distance Telephone Charges


May 1, 1969

Revision Date

October 26, 1989


AD 1.05

Revision No.


  1. There is a need for strict control of long distance telephone charges. The responsibility for control is vested in the department head in accordance with the policy of the department. This includes the delegation of authority to make calls and the recording of such calls to ensure the policy set by the department is adhered to.


  2. The purpose of this Policy and Procedure Instruction is to assist department heads in controlling long distance charges.


  3. It is the responsibility of the department to ensure that personal calls made from University telephones are recorded as personal calls and charged to the individual making the calls, and not to the University. The use of University telephones for personal long distance calls is not permitted.

  1.  Each department will be responsible for a departmental administrative instruction governing long distance calls and charges within the department.

  3. Each department will decide which locals may have Toll Access and which locals will be Toll Restricted. This may be charged at any time by the appropriate departmental signing authority sending a memo or E- mail to the Department of Support Services (Manager, Ancillary Services) requesting the change. There will be a charge for each programming change.


  4. Each time a long distance call is made, or a collect call is accepted, a "Long Distance Information Voucher" should be filled out and retained by the department.


  5. Departments will be billed in arrears for toll charges. Each month, the Department of Support Services will send an Extension Call Detail Report for each local to the department. The charges outlines in this report should be compared with the Long Distance Vouchers retained for that period; and where a charge appears on your billing and there is no supporting voucher, a check should be made to ensure it was an authorized call.


  6. All long distance calls which go through the University switch are recorded on the Extension Call Detail Report. outgoing Operator Handled Calls are listed without charges, as most of them are charged elsewhere (i.e. called collect, billed to a Long Distance Calling Card, billed to a 3rd number, etc.) When the charges come through on the B.C. Tel bill, they are manually charged back to departments via general Requisition. Incoming Operator Handled Calls (Collect Calls, 3rd Party Calls and Long Distance Calling Card Calls) are also manually charged back to departments via General Requisition. There is a $2.00 Processing Charge for each manual entry.


  7. If you have any toll charges on your billing which you wish to dispute, this may be done by sending a copy of the Extension Call Detail Report to the Department of Support Services (Manager, Ancillary Services) indicating the call(s) in question.

    Note: B.C. Tel will not investigate, or issue credit for, direct dialed calls (type '0') or collect calls (type '4').

  8. "Long Distance Information Vouchers" are available in pads of 100 and can be obtained from Central Stores by requisition.


  9. The issuance of Long Distance Calling Cards is controlled by Financial Services. Departments wishing to obtain a Long Distance Calling Card for a member of their department must submit a written request, outlining justification and need, to the Assistant Director of Financial Services. If the request is approved, the Manager, Ancillary Services will request a Long Distance Calling Card from B.C. Tel.