
Posting and Filling of Positions


April 1, 1999

Revision Date


AD 10.03

Revision No.

1. Subject: Posting and Filling of Positions

2. General Policy Statement

    2.01 This policy outlines the requirements for the Posting, recruitment, filling and conclusion of appointments for Administrative and Professional Staff Positions, and sets out the applicable procedures.

    2.02 The University acknowledges responsibility to develop its pool of administrative and professional talents and expects to achieve optimal utilization of this resource through a pattern of job assignments, transfers, exchanges, Secondments and Promotions. A Posting for a vacant Administrative and Professional Staff Position requires a competition to select the best qualified candidate based on skills, experience and abilities.

    2.03 The University encourages hiring Departments to interview qualified Internal Candidates for posted positions and to have regard for the provisions of Policy GP 19 Employment Equity when interviewing candidates.

    2.04 On an exceptional basis, Continuing Positions or Temporary Positions may be filled by Contract Employees.

3. Responsibility

    All offers of employment for Continuing Positions or Temporary Positions must be approved in advance by the Executive Director, Human Resources.

4. Procedures for Posting Positions

    4.01 Vacancies for Administrative and Professional Staff Positions over three (3) months' duration will be Posted subject to the exceptions noted in Section 4.02 below. Vacancies for Administrative and Professional Staff Positions under three (3) months’ duration will not be Posted, and Human Resources will assign a suitably qualified candidate, although the hiring supervisor may suggest a candidate. A Temporary Position that has been extended by the hiring department to exceed the original three (3) months' duration will be Posted.

    4.02 All exceptions to Posting must be approved by the Executive Director, Human Resources. Exceptions to Posting are as follows:

    1. The University recognizes the importance of the development of its pool of administrative and professional talents as a general principle. Where a specific recommendation regarding the transfer or Promotion of an Employee is made by a Vice-President, Dean or Director in filling an Administrative and Professional Staff Position, and where this has been approved by the Executive Director, Human Resources, the usual practice of Posting the vacancy will not be followed. In these cases, APSA will be notified before the recommendation is implemented.

    2. When a reorganization of work within a department results in changes to the responsibilities of an occupied position, and the Employee affected by the revised responsibilities is judged by the supervisor capable of performing the work of the revised position, the position will not be Posted on request of the supervisor to the Executive Director, Human Resources. The Executive Director, Human Resources will notify APSA before the recommendation is implemented.

    4.03 When a reorganization of work within a department results in changes to the responsibilities of an occupied position, and the Employee affected by the revised responsibilities is judged by the Supervisor not capable of performing the work of the revised position after completing work related training and within a reasonable time, the supervisor may elect to discontinue the original position and create a new position. The new position will be Posted.

    4.04 Departments intending to fill a Continuing Position with a confirmed salary classification are required to forward to Human Resources a Personnel Action Requisition, a Position Description and a Separation Notice, if applicable, a minimum of five (5) working days before the required Posting date.

    4.05 To note on the Posting "There is an Identified Departmental Candidate" the Employee must meet all the criteria of the definition of Identified Departmental Candidate.

    4.06 On-campus Postings will be for a minimum of five (5) working days. Off-campus advertisements will be used when requested by the hiring department.

5. Procedures for Recruiting for and Filling of Positions

    5.01 The selection of candidates for Administrative and Professional Staff Positions must comply with the provisions of the AD 10 Policies.

    5.02 Human Resources will accept applications for positions and, if requested, will assist the hiring department in the selection process for Administrative and Professional Staff Positions over three (3) months' duration.

    5.03 Normally, Administrative and Professional Staff Positions will be filled by Internal Candidates.

    5.04 An External Candidate may be appointed to an Administrative and Professional Staff Position provided a thorough search for qualified Internal Candidates has been conducted and the appointment of the External Candidate is clearly justified to and approved by the Executive Director, Human Resources prior to the appointment.

    5.05 Departments intending to extend a Temporary Position are required to complete another Personnel Action Requisition and forward it to Compensation in Human Resources in advance of the extension date.

    5.06 Reasonable notice is expected when an Employee transfers from one department to another department within the University. The supervisors in the two departments should consult with each other and arrive at a mutually acceptable transfer date.

6. Entitlement

    6.01 A Continuing Employee will have his/her employment relationship and conditions of employment consistent with the AD 10 Policies as amended from time to time, set out in a written offer of employment from Human Resources.

    6.02 Upon written request, an Internal Candidate who unsuccessfully applies for a Continuing Position that has been Posted will be notified in writing by the department of the reasons he/she did not receive the position. This request should be made within two weeks following the position being filled as noted on the "Status of 'Closed' Competitions" Report.