


April 1, 1999

Revision Date


AD 10.20

Revision No.

  1. Subject: Resignation

  2. General Policy Statement


    The University wishes to maintain an orderly system for the administration and control of an Employee's Resignation from the University.

  3. Responsibility


    3.01 Human Resources is responsible for

    1. assisting department heads, supervisors and the Employee in the administration of the Resignation policy,

    2. preparing and submitting reports to the Vice-President, Finance and Administration regarding the reasons and the numbers of people leaving the University,

    3. contacting the Employee and advising him/her of the options for the disposition of pension funds and the effective dates of termination of insured benefit coverage,

    4. determining the amount of Vacation Entitlement and advising the Payroll Office.

    3.02 Supervisors are responsible for:

    1. completing the Separation Notice form and sending it to Human Resources in a timely manner,

    2. ensuring that the Employee returns all items that belong to the University.

    3.03 The Employee is responsible for

    1. being aware of the policy and procedures regarding the Resignation process.

    2. submitting written notice of Resignation to his/her supervisor a minimum of four (4) weeks before date of Resignation,

    3. returning all items belonging to the University, such as keys, credit cards, computer or other equipment is his/her possession,

    4. indicating choice as to the disposition of pension funds.