
Establishment of Positions


April 1, 1999

Revision Date

September 12, 2000


AD 10.2

Revision No.


1. Subject: Establishment of Positions

2. General Policy Statement

This policy outlines the levels of authority required for the establishment of Administrative and Professional Staff Positions and the procedural requirements necessary to have such positions approved before Posting.

3. Responsibility

    3.01 A Continuing Position requires the approval of the Departmental Budget Authority, the Dean or administrative Director, or the appropriate Vice-President or the President to become part of a department's budgeted complement. A Temporary Position requires the approval of the Departmental Budget Authority and is not part of a department's budgeted complement.

    3.02 Supervisors are responsible for writing Position Descriptions and initiating the evaluation of new positions.

    3.03 Human Resources, with consultation where necessary, will determine employee group affiliation through Position Evaluation.

4. Procedures for Establishing Continuing Positions

    4.01 A department intending to create a Continuing Position must follow the procedures set out in Section 4.02 to 4.04 below.

    4.02 Complete the applicable sections of the Personnel Action Requisition (PAR) and attach a copy of the Position Description.

    4.03 Forward the PAR and Position Description to Human Resources, Compensation. After Position Evaluation (Ref.: Policy AD 10.6 Position Evaluation and Salary Administration), the Classification will be communicated to the initiating Department and the documentation will be forwarded for approval to the Dean/administrative Director or Vice-President, as appropriate.

    4.04 On approval, the Dean/administrative Director or the Vice-President will forward the documentation to Financial Services, Budget for a position number to be assigned. The documentation will then be returned to Human Resources for the establishment of position records, Posting and recruiting.

5. Procedures for Establishing Temporary Positions

    5.01 A department intending to create a Temporary Position must follow the procedures set out in Sections 5.02 to 5.03 below.

    5.02 Complete the applicable sections of the Personnel Action Requisition (PAR) and attach a copy of the Position Description.

    5.03 Forward the PAR and Position Description to Human Resources, Compensation. After Position Evaluation, the Classification will be communicated to the initiating department and the documentation will be forwarded for the establishment of position records, Posting and recruiting.