
Strike Policy


April 1, 1999

Revision Date


AD 10.15

Revision No.

  1. Subject: Strike Policy


  2. General Policy Statement


    2.01 During labour disputes involving the University every effort will be made to continue to provide instruction and related support services to students.

    2.02 An Employee will have the choice of whether or not to cross any Picket line established at the University.

    2.03 An Employee who normally performs some of his/her duties by telecommuting, working in the field or other means, will be considered to be "at work" if those duties continue to be performed in the same manner and at the normal external locations provided that any duties which the Employee would normally perform at University locations continue to be performed by the Employee at the same University locations.


  3. Responsibility


    3.01 An Employee who chooses to cross a Picket line will

    1. be expected to perform his/her normal duties, and

    2. be free to perform duties additional to or other than his/her normal duties or to refrain from doing so without discrimination or coercion from the University, APSA, or any persons acting on their behalf.

    3.02 An Employee who chooses not to cross a Picket line will inform his/her supervisor or department head as soon as possible.

    3.03 An Employee who initially chose not to cross a Picket line but subsequently decides to cross a Picket line, will inform his/her supervisor or department head before resuming his/her normal duties or additional duties as assigned.

  1. Procedures


    4.01 An Employee who chooses not to cross a Picket line will

    1. not be paid nor receive benefits for the period of time he/she chooses not to be 'at work' and will be deemed to be on leave without pay, and

    2. be required to pay both the employer's and Employee's portions of the total benefit package to which he/she subscribed before the strike.

    4.02 For an Employee who chooses not to cross a Picket line, the University will

    1. arrange for payments to insured benefit plans to continue at the Employee's expense, unless the Employee advises Human Resources in writing that he/she wishes insured benefit Plans canceled for the duration of the strike,

    2. obtain reimbursement for the benefit payments made on behalf of the Employee from the Employee's salary when he/she resumes work.

    4.03 When the Employee resumes work, he/she will be placed back on payroll at his/her normal salary.