
Work Schedules


April 1, 1999

Revision Date

January 1, 2007


AD 10.13

Revision No.


  1. Subject: Work Schedules


  2. General Policy Statement


    2.01 This policy sets out the working schedules for Administrative and Professional Staff and the general hours of work at the University.

    2.02 Determination of a work schedule will be directed to accommodating both the University's operational needs and the Employee's right to a reasonable and flexible work schedule.


  3. Responsibility


    3.01 For recording purposes, the standard work day is seven hours and 12 minutes, exclusive of the meal period. The standard work week is thirty-six hours in any five days.

    3.02 The University’s main campus offices will be open at least during the hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Harbour Centre campus will be open at least during the hours 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Exceptions must be approved by the appropriate Vice-President.

    3.03 A member of the Administrative and Professional Staff at the University is primarily self-directing and self-disciplinary concerning the functions of his/her position. He/she will exercise discretion about the time and location of work performed in support of the established job objectives. From time to time the Employee may find that for a variety of reasons it is necessary to work considerably more than a standard work week to carry out his/her responsibilities satisfactorily. While there is no monetary compensation for these extra hours, the Employee is entitled to reasonable compensating time away from the workplace at a time mutually acceptable to the Employee and the supervisor. The Employee’s right in this respect should be accommodated.

    3.04 When an Employee initiates a complaint with a supervisor that his/her workload is unreasonable, and the Employee and supervisor cannot agree on a resolution, or when an Employee has requested compensating time off and the supervisor has denied the request, the Employee may initiate an Individual Grievance as set out in AD 10.17 (Problem Resolution).